Chapter 42: Minds In The Balance

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At Ippei's hideout, a quiet room with a chessboard set up on a table. Shin and Eito sit opposite each other, focused on the game.

EITO: (moves a knight) Check.

SHIN: (pauses, contemplating his next move) Hmm... (moves his king to safety).

EITO: (moves his bishop) Check again.

SHIN: (nods, considering his options) Right... (moves his king again).

EITO: (moves his queen) Checkmate.

SHIN: (smirks, acknowledging defeat) I can't believe I lost again. Well played, Eito.

EITO: (smiling) Thanks, Shin.

SHIN: You played well and you are the one in our team that got the brain than ours. You should keep it up.

EITO: Thank you.

SHIN: (setting the pieces back in their starting positions) You know, I've always found it interesting how the king, the most important piece, isn't the most powerful on the board.

EITO: (curiously) Oh? Why do you say that?

SHIN: Well, think about it. The king can only move one square at a time in any direction, while other pieces like the queen or the knights can cover much more ground and execute more complex maneuvers.

EITO: That's true. But without the king, the game is lost.

SHIN: Exactly. The value of the king lies not in its power or mobility, but in its significance. It's the piece that the entire game revolves around, the one you protect at all costs.

EITO: It's like the heart of the game.

SHIN: Exactly. And sometimes, it's not about how flashy or powerful you are, but about your importance and the role you play in the grand scheme of things.

EITO: That's a profound way of looking at it, Shin. It's not always about being the strongest, but about being essential.

SHIN: Indeed. And that's a lesson that transcends the chessboard, don't you think?

EITO: (nodding) Absolutely. Thanks for the game, Shin, and for the insight.

SHIN: (smiles) Anytime.

Time skip, Shin and Ippei were sitting down and Ippei sees Eito, Hiro and Takashi playing chess while laughing and having fun.

IPPEI: Looks like they are having fun.

SHIN: Yeah. Sure they are.

IPPEI: Kaaru didn't show up today, that's really odd.

SHIN: Who knows. It must be work. Always going there helping the SDIA as a specialist.

IPPEI: You're still upset about that.

SHIN: I'm not upset... I'm just... (sigh) thinking if everything is gonna be okay. After the head of SDIA died, Kaaru thinks the organization can still be at full hand.

IPPEI: That's what you are thinking?

SHIN: Few months ago, I heard that the aoks inavded their headquarters. (He said as there was a flashback) Most of the investigators and detectives did being slaughtered by them. (Shin looks round as he was walking) It was too much as I noticed it... That the head of SDIA was beheaded on his seat at his office. (Shin saw the chief's head on the ground and there looked at his seat as he died lying on the table and the flashback ended) If only I can see the world smile again to put an end to this madness.

IPPEI: Everything will be put at hand. It seems the SDIA are trying their best...

SHIN: We can't just be relying on them. At least we can stop the aoks and Kuragari Fujita.

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