Chapter 33: Mystical Powers and Friends III

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(To Kaaru, Eito and Hiro as they were seen in a restaurant. Kaaru only eats up his food while Eito and Hiro looked at the way he was eating with their facial expression)

EITO: Um... Is this what you wanted to do? (As he was still in his facial expression)

KAARU: What do you mean?

HIRO: You wanted to rest a little after we left Ippei's shop.

KAARU: Oh right. Yeah. (He said as he continues eating his ramen)

EITO: And we are here in a restaurant.

KAARU: Look a man gotta do what he gotta do, that is to eat. (He said as he ate the remaining ones in his mouth and continues to say this) You know going and coming from Ippei's shop, I'm always tiresome.

EITO: You are not the only human that goes there by foot.

KAARU: Yeah I know. And it's not like I go there for important stuffs, just sit there and discuss stuffs with him. (As he continues to eat) Mmm, this food is very delicious. Why didn't you guess ordered this?

HIRO: You are talking as if you haven't eaten ramen before.

KAARU: Of course I've eaten it. But this delicious food must be the chef's secret recipe. (While eating) By the way, Eito what were you talking about with the others when I wasn't around?

EITO: You mean when you came back being injured?

KAARU: Exactly.

HIRO: You are so reckless. Those injuries were too deep and that almost got yourself killed.

KAARU: Yeah so be happy that I'm fine now.

HIRO: Huh?! So you want to die?

KAARU: I didn't say that. Now that I'm fine, I wouldn't be thinking of dying again but who knows when it would come unexpectedly.

EITO: ... (He looked at Kaaru as he didn't say anything)

HIRO: Yeah, I'm really happy. (She said in bored tone not looking at Kaaru)

KAARU: Now where was I...? (Then someone came in the restaurant as they took their seat, staring at the three kids and this people were...)

TAKEYO: Hey Kaneto. That guy looks familiar. (He said while staring at Kaaru, who was interacting with his friends)

KANETO: Why are you telling me? You know I don't still know this guy we are looking for?

TAKEYO: Don't worry, you'll know? (He said while looking at the menu)

(A waiter attends to them)

LADY: Good day gentlemen, what would you like to order?

KANETO: Hmm (while thinking of what to order) Takeyo what would you like to order?

TAKEYO: Quit fooling yourself and read the menu. (He said while making a facial expression of irritation)

KANETO: Okay. (He said as he looks at the menu) Hmm I'll like Onigiri... Hmm maybe Soba and errr... Do you have Gyoza?

(Onigiri is a type of Japanese snack made from rice, nori (seaweed), and a filling. They're referred to as rice balls even though they aren't always shaped like balls but in formed of triangular or cylindrical shape)

(Soba refers to thin noodles made from buckwheat flour. They can be served cold with a dipping sauce called tsuyu, or in a hot broth as noodle soup)

(Gyoza refers to Japanese dumplings filled with ground meat and vegetables wrapped in a thin sheet of dough)

LADY: Yes we do have. We do have all the dishes in that menu both Japanese and Chinese dishes.

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