Chapter 15: Arms and Fire

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(Finally Kaaru made it to the gunmen hideout. He observed the areas and surroundings and looked at where they were positioned safeguarding the place)

KAARU: Okay, the plan, take them down and save the girl, that's all.

(He jumped down and fought the two men safeguarding the back door. He beats them up and took them inside to hide their bodies. After that, he searches for the girl and found her. She was in a cage tied with ropes on her hands and her legs)


GIRL: (Shocked to see his face)

KAARU: It's okay, you don't have to be afraid.

GIRL: Who are you?

KAARU: No time for that. I'm here to save you.

GIRL: I don't even know you.

KAARU: But I know you. You are a daughter to Mr and Mrs Ishida.

GIRL: How do you know?

KAARU: Because I'm on a mission to save you. Your family were killed by these gunmen and took you away. I'm I right?

GIRL: Yeah.

KAARU: So do you want me to save you? (The girl nodded her head) Alright (He tries to open it and uses heat to melt the padlock, and it open) What's your name?

JIN: Jin

KAARU: Okay, Jin. (So Kaaru carried her to his back and runs to look for a way out. He noticed that the door where he came in was lock and thought) They already know.

??: You have no place to escape. (A voice said as light spotted on him)

(Kaaru couldn't see anything as he tries to look for the voice. He turned around and saw a mysterious figure in front of him. He wore a white singlet and a black trouser. That figure was just staring fixedly at XO)

KAARU: What, you must be their boss, right?

??: Good thinking. (The figure face was revealed. He has a black hair and a broad lip anytime he smiles) I like you little fella (he said as he smiles) My name is Isogai.

KAARU: So what do you want now?

ISOGAI: Hmm, you are a little bit slight. (Looked at Jin) Just give us the girl and we will let you go free.

(Kaaru didn't say anything, he was looking at him with a serious look on his face)

ISOGAI: I have this nasty feeling that killing you will surely be on the menu. (He said as he smiles broadly)

KAARU: No. Just let the two of us out of here and it will be over.

ISOGAI: Are you defying me?

KAARU: It doesn't matter. But all I want from you is to let us go.

(There was silence for sometime and then everybody burst into laughter except for Kaaru and Jin, who were both confused a seeing all of them laughing)

ISOGAI: Are you begging for freedom? (Smiles as his teeth were shown)

KAARU: You are a crazy man. (As soon he said that, everybody stopped laughing)

ISOGAI: People call me the joker for that.

KAARU: Now let me ask you a question, do you go around killing innocent people? (So he thought) I bet he was the one that kill my parents but let me not go further.

ISOGAI: Killing... Innocent people?

KAARU: Yes. You think it's fun terrorizing them when some still have families.

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