Chapter 40: The Elusive Pursuit

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(After Tan and his squads caught the four criminals, who have been hiding in an incomplete building, now to the SDIA organization, Ushiki and Kanami were walking to see them. Ushiki looks at Kanami, reviewing case files)

USHIKI: Kanami, we need to talk.

KANAMI: (looking anxious) What's on your mind, sir?

USHIKI: I'm tired of you checking on criminal cases as your job. You are also a detective.

KANAMI: I know, sir. I'm still less experience.

USHIKI: Even though you are less experience, you can't afford to be weak in this line of work.

KANAMI: (defensively) I'll get better, sir.

USHIKI: This job doesn't wait for you to catch up. You need to toughen up, Kanami. I can't afford to have a weakling as my partner.

KANAMI: (looking hurt) I'm... doing my best, sir.

USHIKI: Your best might not be enough in this world. People depend on us, and I can't have doubts about your ability to handle yourself.

KANAMI: (resolute) I won't let you down. I'll prove myself.

USHIKI: Prove it by not dying out there. Weakness gets people killed, Kanami. I won't be babysitting you on the field.

KANAMI: (looking determined) I'll prove you wrong. I won't let weakness define me. I wouldn't die.

USHIKI: (sighs) Just remember, Kanami, this job doesn't forgive mistakes. Don't become a liability.

(After all of that in the previous, now to the present when Ushiki still stared at her head cut off by Kenzo while shocked and thought)

USHIKI: Even though she was weak, her strength was compassionate. I'll carry that with me, always.

(After that, Kanami's head dropped on the ground and Kenzo shaked off his knife once and said)

KENZO: Glad you enjoyed my toy. (He smiled evilly)

USHIKI: (Looked at him angrily and shouted) Kenzo! You crossed a line that can't be forgiven! Mark my words, I will make you pay for what you've done, even if it's the last thing I do!

KENZO: Ushiki, you're all talk. Your partner was weak. You can't touch me, Detective. I'm always one step ahead.

USHIKI: (eyes narrowing) You might think you're untouchable, but justice has a way of catching up. You've just made a grave mistake, and I'll be the one to make sure you face the consequences. Your arrogance won't shield you forever. The hunt is on, and you won't be laughing when it's over.

KENZO: (laughs) You're just a detective. You are not on the same level as me. I'm a manipulator and you're not. So what makes you say all those bullshits outta your mouth?

(Ushiki stared at Kenzo with a serious look on his face, ready for a deadly confrontation)

USHIKI: (grim determination) This ends now, Kenzo.

KENZO: (smirking) You really think you can take me down, Ushiki? Let's see what you've got. (He said as he speed up with his knife, ready to attack Ushiki)

(They engage in a fierce battle, fists flying and grapples intensifying. Ushiki's rage fuels every blow, while Kenzo begins to dodged all of that while blocking the blows with his hands. Now Kenzo uses his knife to attack Ushiki. Ushiki dodged all of that and manages to land a powerful blow, staggering Kenzo)

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