Chapter 11: Struggle

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(The two of them are staring each others, Kaaru doesn't know what was wrong with him)

KAARU: (Thought) What's wrong with him, is he trying to attack me... for what?

NATE: I have this strange thought in observing people, I'm not sure if you are among them. You are the person I was looking for to kill. But let's just have some fun and see first

(He runs towards him with his sword ready to slice him, Kaaru who doesn't know what was wrong with him dodged and was at his back. Nate turns back ready to cut him and he dodge and gave him a heavy blow on his stomach. Nate begins to salivate and started coughing.)

KAARU: (Observed his uniform and noticed that it was the same material and design from assassins that fought him the last time) You are one of them.

NATE: You mean my uniform (As he got up) I newly joined them and we have been going along smoothly, giving us new weapons.

(Kaaru was angry and remember what Shin and Yuuto said to him)


YUUTO: They will be able to locate you and find the people you hang out with. Those guys are sensitive if you don't know.

SHIN: They can find you. But if even they try looking for you in this big city, they will have to call for backup.

(End of flashbacks)

KAARU: (Thought) Damnit so it's true.

NATE: I'm here to end you and to protect my sister and my dad from you guys.

KAARU: (Thought) What! (As he was surprised)

NATE: You cause harm to humans and I'm going to finished you off.

KAARU: No. You are getting it wrong. I was just coming back from school.

NATE: Tck! Manipulators still go to school, your plan is to try and kill the students, right?

KAARU: (Angry as he thought) He's getting it wrong. I must try to do something. (He tries to produce a fire from his hands but it didn't work, so he thought) What!

NATE: (Thought) This guy is just angry not making a move. Ha! He must be a weakling. (Nate runs and jumped up, stretches his sword as he was ready to cut him) Now it's time to end it here. (A sudden movement came and was at his back) What is that?

KAARU: (angrily looks at him) I'm not just going to give up so easily!

(He runs and tries to attack him, however Nate dodged with a jump back and advances towards Kaaru and kicks him in the face with a spin during his jump. Kaaru couldn't take it anymore as he began more furious. He runs back to him and Nate was surprised)

NATE: (Thought) This guy is still trying to attack me. He doesn't even give up.

(Kaaru was still attacking Nate as a blast from his hand came out and made a way through his stomach and Nate slammed himself to the wall. He collapsed to the ground. Nate tries to get up)

NATE: I knew it I really have this strange feeling, you are a manipulator. You finally show me your powers. Come on! I want to see more than that!

KAARU: If you want to see more, okay. But I'll be the one to stop you first. (Looks at his hand and observe his powers) There's something wrong? (He couldn't know the reason as he clenches his fist)

(Nate tries to kick Kaaru, but he bent down and punched his stomach, causing Nate to back away a little. Kaaru runs and gave him another kick and his slams himself to the ground)

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