Chapter 26: Pay Back

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[SDIA Headquarters]

(Yu and Tan were at Ushiki's office as they gave him report)

TAN: During the incident at Hashimoto warehouse, we discovered the dead body of Taichi Toshio, founder of the Taki supermarket (Here it shows the body covered with a blue blanket). Although, his body parts were missing due to an explosion blast that was shot on him. Police couldn't find any trace or where their hideout is.

YU: Well, thanks to XO who found out the wolf in sheep's clothing was Taichi.

USHIKI: I see. But the question I want to ask now is: who are these people and where do they come from?

TAN: It's a good thing you reminded us that, chief. Omura and Koji decided to work on that investigation. Before I continue, you remember the criminal that was killed during the incident at that Taki supermarket some days ago.


TAN: We believed that he must be one of them. After Omura and Koji investigate on that, they found out a symbol at the left side of his cloth. And also found out that he works in an organization outskirt in Tokyo.

USHIKI: So what is the name of the organization?

TAN: The blue tree. (He said while showing him the document about it. In the front cover was the symbol of it)

(After that, Ushiki had a thought while thinking and staring at the symbol for a while and he said...)

USHIKI: The blue tree. Is the tree actually blue?

YU: No chief. It's just the name of their evil organization.

USHIKI: Evil organization?

TAN: Chief, I know you are so confused right now. We will give you an update if we found anything suspicious.

USHIKI: Okay, you two can leave now.

TAN/YU: Yes sir. (The two said while bowing their head down)

(The two were now seen walking around the corridor)

TAN: Miss Yu, how are we going to start this?

YU: I will leave the rest to you. Or maybe XO can help you out, I think he knows something about this blue tree organization.

TAN: By the way, where is he?

YU: I heard that he is at doctor Muto's lab. Something about checking his manipulation level.

(Here it shows Kaaru, who wears a hood and his XO mask sitting on a chair while waiting for the doctor to tell him his result on what he found out. After waiting for a long time, Muto walks to meet him)

KAARU: So what's it, doctor?

MUTO: Well according on what I examine, it looks like your cells are generating and increasing everyday.

KAARU: I don't get you.

MUTO: Your cells seem to change. Something is developing inside you. When I look at the test, a new cell was beginning to form. So this means that if more begins to form, more of your powers will be activated.

KAARU: Does that mean I've now gotten stronger?

MUTO: I can't say, but it's just your manipulation level.

KAARU: What is that?

MUTO: Let me explain in terms using biology. Manipulation level is your level that is concentrated in a manipulator in terms of their powers. When their powers activates, their percentage will be increase and that is known as a manipulation level.

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