Chapter 21: Shin

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(Focusing here, Kaaru was in room listening to music while wearing a headset. Surprisedly, he could hear his phone ringing through the headset as he takes it off while disconnecting and saw that it was Chen who is calling him. He answers it)

KAARU: Wassup Chen.

CHEN: Hey Kaaru, it's being a while.

KAARU: A... while (He said while he was surprised to hear that)

CHEN: Yeah. I haven't heard from you since yesterday.

KAARU: Huh? (As he remembered when being trapped in his dream) Oh right, it's true.

CHEN: So where do you go to?

KAARU: Well...Er...I went to see my uncle.

CHEN: Your uncle? You didn't tell me you had an uncle.

KAARU: Yeah I know, it was kind of a long story. It's been long I've never see him, that's why I went to see him for visit.

CHEN: I see. I only called you just to check if you are okay.

KAARU: That's good of you.

CHEN: Yeah, what are friends for. I better end it here, Kaaru. See ya.

KAARU: Alright. (He ends the call, he drops his phone beside him and had a thought) I can't believe I lied to him, by the way, do I really have an uncle? (he sighed as he looked at the window) I can't stay here. It feels like I want to see someone. (Soon he runs to the exit door and said) Junri! I'm going out!

JUNRI: So soon, but the rain is about to fall. You can't go out.

KAARU: Just to see someone. I promise I'll be back. (While wearing his hood and grabs an umbrella)

JUNRI: Okay, if you say so. Make sure you come back latest by four. The time right now is after one.

KAARU: Thanks Junri. Love you (He said as he left while she was confused)


(Shin was walking as he looks at the sky while the drops of rain were falling little by little. He opens his umbrella and continues his walking. At Ippei's shop, the door was opened as Shin came in)

SHIN: Ippei.

IPPEI: Came to see me in a weather like this, huh?

SHIN: Nah, I came to grab my strong shit (He close his umbrella while sitting down and kept it aside)

IPPEI: Alright if you say so. It's the last one.

SHIN: Where is it?

IPPEI: In the fridge (He said as Shin heads there and brings out a wine and two glass cups.

SHIN: (He paused while looking at the bottle) I don't like this brand (He pours it into the glass cups) but since it's the last one...

IPPEI: Why don't you like it?

SHIN: Most of them are non-alcoholic. What I need is something that gives me inspiration to catch up my opponent skills.

IPPEI: So that's your secrets.

SHIN: I do anything to make myself stronger like playing chess, reading books on how to defeat an opponent within a second, drinking and smoking.

IPPEI: What the heck, there's no way smoking and drinking can make you stronger.

SHIN: I know, I'm just saying. (He said while giving him his glass cup)

IPPEI: (drinks and drops the cup) It's alcoholic.

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