Chapter 23: The Ice Manipulator

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[At Kagawa's residence]

(Kaaru opened the fridge to take a bottle of juice and shuts the fridge. He opened it while heading to the sitting room and sat on a couch to watch the TV and all of a sudden...)

??: Kaaru Kagawa.

(Kaaru, who was shocked to hear his name while he turned around to look for the person)

??: I'm really glad I meet you and talk to you in person.

KAARU: Who's there and where are you?

??: I'm right beside you.

(After saying that, he was shocked and Kaaru turned by the left side where there was a little space at the side of the couch. Then the person suddenly appeared and it was Keisuke)

KEISUKE: Finally I could meet you in person.

KAARU: Who the heck are you? (He said while he got up from the couch)

KEISUKE: My name is Keisuke.

KAARU: Just Keisuke? (He said while he was confused)

KEISUKE: Naotaka... Keisuke Naotaka.

KAARU: Please I need you to leave my house (He said while he was about to head to the door so that he will open it and make way for Keisuke to him but the four aoks came and blocked his way) Where did this guys come from? (He said while having it as a thought)

KEISUKE: I'm afraid not. I got myself undercover.

KAARU: What do you want?

KEISUKE: Nothing. Just came to say hi, that's all. (He said while he stood up from the couch)

KAARU: Who sent you?

KEISUKE: Why did you ask?

KAARU: Don't just think you can come and make troubles.

KEISUKE: Oh no I'm not. All I want is only a coffee, since I know you like one.

KAARU: How do you know?

KEISUKE: Anyone that associate with you are mostly manipulators unlike the people around you in school but your friends. I'm a manipulator of invisibility. (He said while pouring a jug of coffee into a mug and drinks it) Splendid. Coffee draws me back to the old days.

KAARU: I don't understand who is this man? And I have never seen him before but he acts like as if we have seen before. (He said while having it as a thought)

KEISUKE: I know you are looking for a manipulator of an ice and it's still ongoing.

KAARU: You spy on me?

KEISUKE: Remember my mana, I follow you wherever you go.

KAARU: He must be one of the aoks or something. (While having it as a thought)

KEISUKE: Hmm well I guess a seventeen years old kid can't handle the job.

KAARU: What do you mean? (While he was confused)

KEISUKE: You got help with the SDIA. So why do you want help from them?

KAARU: (Kept quiet while thinking about it)

KEISUKE: You don't need to answer. Don't worry I already know since you wanted to join them during the social gathering. But I can be of your help.

KAARU: How can I trust you? (While looking at him with a serious look)

KEISUKE: Trust? You don't need that. I can be your assistant.

KAARU: No, you can't be. Who do you think you are? We haven't meet but you follow me. No, I can handle things myself.

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