Chapter 27: Pain and Hatred

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[The Next Day...]

[At The Kagawa's Residence]

(At the dinning table, where Kaaru and his aunty were seen eating)

KAARU: Junri, your cooking is really good as always. I love your recipe.

JUNRI: Well your uncle and I love to cook together.

KAARU: Uncle? (He said surprisedly while he stops eating)

JUNRI: Yes. He shows me the secret recipe that nobody knows and I showed him the procedure on how it's done.

KAARU: That means uncle was a good cook. So where is he now?

JUNRI: I don't know. But eat up, Kaaru. If you want more I can—

KAARU: More aunty. (He said while stretching out his empty plate and Junri begins to laughs)

[At the Blue Tree]

[At the Training ground]

(Clanking of wooden swords were heard as Ito and Kin were seen training as they were swinging their swords while fighting. Ito always sliced it on Kin's chest but she dodged that while she ducked and somersaulted as she kicked the Ito's sword from his hand. His sword was still on the air and Kin caught it and pointed it at him)

KIN: I guess I defeated you again.

ITO: Hmm nice one. You really know how to use a sword in a magnificent way.

KIN: Thank you master.

KURAGARI: That's excellent of you, Kin. (He said while walking to meet her)

(Ito quickly paid him respect by bowing his head down)

KURAGARI: Maybe I can assign you to join the Corvus.

ITO: (Widened his eyes in shocked and said) Master, isn't this taking her too far. She is our commander and she can't join the Corvus.

KURAGARI: Are you to speak for Kin. Let's her speak for herself.

KIN: Thank you master. I'm grateful for that. (While bowing her head down)

(Ito looked at her in a serious expression on his face)

[At The SDIA Headquarter]

(Yu opens the door to Ushiki's office holding a document as she came in)

YU: Sir about what we discussed the last tim-- (Saw his head on the ground as blood were spread everywhere on the floor. She drops the documents on the ground in shock and fear) No. (Then she quickly ran away wanting to call the police)

(Some hours later, detectives and police were all outside the building as they were loud siren of police cars outside)

(The anchorwoman was there live as she begins to report the news)

WOMAN: This is Tokyo daily news from channel 102 speaking, and right now we are at an incident in the special detectives and Investigators agency (SDIA) headquarter to bring you this sad news of the death of Ushiki Daisuke, who was the chief of this building.

(As she spoke this, Kaaru was at home watching it with a shocking expression on his face while the camera shows the bag where the chief was inside as the police were gathered, placing "do not cross" sign around it)

WOMAN: He was beheaded in his office yesterday and rumors said that he was killed by unknown suspects. (She said in a serious and sad tone while looking at the camera, almost about to cry but hold it)

(As for the reaction of the general public who were watching the news were none but sadness as some had tears on their eyes. Kaaru got up and took his mask and flew in the air as he heads to SDIA)

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