Chapter 5: The Mask

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(Kaaru woke up, brushes his teeth, took his bath and wears his uniform and his shoe. He went to the breakfast table to take his breakfast and saw Junri)

KAARU: Good morning.

JUNRI: Oh morning Kaaru. Hope you slept well?

KAARU: Yeah I do

JUNRI: That's good. Make you eat up before going to school on time.

(Kaaru left the house and Yuuto saw him as he was surprised. Suddenly a car moving slowly was seen following him as Yuuto was surprised and wore his hood. A man came out of the car as he pointed a gun towards him. The noise of the gun was heard as birds flew into the air. Kaaru turns back surprisedly to see Yuuto whom protected him as he uses a dustbin cover. Kaaru looks at the man as he looks at him back and he left. He zoom off his car)

KAARU: What just happened. He left after seeing my face.

YUUTO: (Surprised) That's because he's tries to capture it.

KAARU: And what will happened after that?

YUUTO: They will be able to locate you and find the people you hang out with. Those guys are sensitive if you don't know.

KAARU: What!... And who are they?

YUUTO: I don't want to explain much. We better start going to school. (They started walking)

KAARU: You know since the day we met, we haven't tell each others our names. So I'm Kaaru.

YUUTO: Yuuto.

KAARU: Me too (Thinking he was saying "You too")

YUUTO: My name is Yuuto!

KAARU: Okay. You live around here?

YUUTO: No. My house is far from here. I come here to buy whatever I want since this area has a whole lot of things I need.

KAARU: Oh. That's true. (Saw his house) Is this your house?

YUUTO: You better get going. I haven't taken a shower.

KAARU: (reacted in a comical defeat way) No wonder when you protected me from my back you smelt like crap.

YUUTO: Shut up you dumbass.

KAARU: I told you before I'm not a dumbass.

(Yuuto became very angry and Kaaru sees him and ran away. He cool his temper and went inside his house)

(At school, Kaaru glanced at the book Eito was marking and he was done)

EITO: Not bad. Eighty nine over hundred.

KAARU: Eighty nine! And you think it's not bad.

EITO: Yeah. You have improved on getting the highest score.

KAARU: And it's total nonsense. I can't get the that in a real exam.

EITO: Why? Be happy of what you get. You can't study to the range that you will get hundred.

KAARU: (Sighed) I guess so. But... Give me another one.

EITO: If you insist.

KAARU: (Thought) I want to pass Eito no matter what.

(Eito gives him where he is going answer the questions and he starts doing it. Later, Kaaru kept his books on his locker as he was tired)

KAARU: Man, so exhausted over that test I did. (He saw Yuuto and a boy walking together. The boy name is Hisaki) Hey Yuuto

YUUTO: Oh shit.

HISAKI: You know who is that guy?

YUUTO: Someone who gives me boredom.

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