Chapter 12: The Lightning Man

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The Story Arc Continues...

YAMI: Let's finished this once and for all. (A lightning from nowhere advances to Yami and he dodged that, and Yuuto came)

YUUTO: Maybe we should... (He suddenly became shocked as he saw Yami) Yami. You finally came (Uses his lightning power and runs with speed to attack him)

YAMI: Yuuto. So happy to see you again (Said as he smiles devilishly)

(The two fought a serious battle and Yuuto gives him a blow but Yami dodged and kicked him. Yuuto was angry and runs back to attack him. Kaaru watches them as he was surprised)

KAARU: (Thought) Yuuto knows this guy same with Hiro? So who is he?

(Nate came behind from Kaaru and brought out his gun to fire him. He shot and the bullet came out and it pause in the air. Nate was shocked and Kaaru turned and saw Nate and the bullet in the air)

KAARU: Woah (He said surprised)

(Eito came and adjusted his glasses)

EITO: Glad that I could make it.

KAARU: (Was happy to see him) Eito!

EITO: You made a close range. You think you will be lucky... but you aren't.

NATE: (Thought) I was really close.

EITO: (Turned to Kaaru) This is what you mean by the power of time.

KAARU: (Smiled) Yeah.

[Back to Yuuto and Yami]

(Yuuto kicked Yami and he slammed himself to the wall. Yuuto jumped up with his lightning on his right hand and hits him and they both collapsed a building. Yami was on the ground coughing as dust were surrounded. Yuuto came)

YUUTO: I've been waiting for this moment to finished you up. You betrayed everyone, everyone that were so close to you.

YAMI: I see. You want death to take me. That wouldn't work (got up) I'm going to make sure you will feel the pain and die rotten in hell!

YUUTO: (Clenches his fist as he was angry and was ready to give him a blow) Shut Up! (As he shouted while bringing out his fist to give him a blow)

(Yami still stretches out his fist, getting ready to also give him a blow. The two fist both landed on each others as they were angry. Yami uses his leg to kick him but Yuuto uses his other hand for defense. Yuuto finds an opening and punched Yami's stomach. He reacted to the pain and Yuuto kicked his face and flew backwards)

YUUTO: Everyone calls you the lightning man because you were known for the damaging of houses and seizing all the electricity supplies.

YAMI: (Tries to get up) The name is a praise of acknowledgment, I'm well known to this city and I'm going to take advantage of it.

YUUTO: We'll see about that.

[Back to Hiro]

(Hiro tries to get up as she was in pain, she quickly healed herself and begin to thought)

HIRO: (Thought) Yami, that was you right? That bastard  (Clenches her fist)

(Surprisedly, Tasha jumps behind Hiro and was ready to attack)

TASHA: Hahaha! The battle is not yet over.

HIRO: It will soon be

(Hiro ran towards her and uses her power to manipulate a long stem from the ground and it attacked her. Tasha cuts them with her sword and advances to Hiro. Hiro dodged, somersaulted and kicked her from her back. She fell and get up immediately to attack her back. Hiro grabbed her hand and threw her to the ground. Hiro jumped up to march her but she dodged and tripped her on the floor. Hiro got up and not knowing Tasha runs with speed and punched her. She fell to the ground)

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