Chapter 35: Takashi

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"People who you call friends can sometimes be your enemies because of their inner self and it's better not to trust anyone easily. You just have to accept that and you will learn that no one is really safe"
(Here it showed young Takashi who was eight years old standing in the busy street in the middle of the night, seeing people walking pass him. Looking through them from his eyes, he was able to see spirits in them both good and evil)

"I was able to see the undead who were good, evil, hateful, pure hearted..."
(He said while his eyes were only shown, seeing the reflection of a black spirit with red big eyes coming towards him)

"... and scary."
(While the scene becomes black)


(Takashi at twelve years old)

TAKASHI: Oh come on, give me a rest you stupid alarm clock. (He said as he was trying to sleep and he tries to off the clock but mistakenly fell it to the ground still beeping) Oh man. (He said as he turned around as he tries to sleep)

(All of a sudden, he was sensing someone coming in to his room as he stared at the door and as it opened, a boy of twenty years old name Haruki comes in)

HARUKI: Takashi, you are still on the bed. (He said while seeing him covering his face with a pillow) Come on, time for breakfast.

TAKASHI: Huh. And what did you make?

HARUKI: (sigh) Bread and salad.

TAKASHI: Mm, I'm hungry. (As he got up from his bed all of a sudden as he took his leave from the room, making Haruki to be left surprise)

(At the dinning table, Takashi mix his bread with the salad while Haruki was cooking as he stirs the stew in the pot and said)

HARUKI: Hey Takashi, do you still see them?

TAKASHI: Them? (He said as he sees Haruki's spirit aura surrounding his body) Yeah I still see them.

HARUKI: I see. It takes time for the user to get use to it. (He said while he opens the door of the cupboard to get a tin can and started to open it with an opener as he continues) You may be scared of them and that's just it when having this kind of element.

TAKASHI: And how do you overcome it?

HARUKI: Like I said it takes time. Don't worry, you will get use to it. (While bringing some vegetables and started to slice them with a knife)

TAKASHI: Hahaha, you were also scared?

HARUKI: Yeah. Since you are having troubles from them, tell me what do you know about spirits?

TAKASHI: A supernatural being, often but not exclusively without physical form.

HARUKI: Correct. Moreover, we have two definitions of spirit. One, in spirituality and two, in person. Spirit in spirituality is a supernatural and incorporeal or immaterial being. And we have Deity, a being considered divine or sacred, and Angel, a spiritual being as an example. And as for in person, that has to do with courage and determination that helps people to survive in difficult times and to keep their way of life and their beliefs. And your spirit can help your with that.

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