Chapter 16: The Agreement

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[At Yuuto's house]

(The time was 8:45pm, Hisaki watches the television in Yuuto's room as he hears the news)

ANCHORWOMAN: "And the weather forecast news time is eight forty five. Today have only been sunny, but looks like we're in for worse tomorrow. Our forecast is going to be rainy at eight four degrees. Cloudy in Hiroshima at ninety two degrees"

YUUTO: Hisaki will you shut that bloody thing off! (He shouted as he was in his room trying to sleep)

HISAKI: Actually, you are calling your TV bloody thing.

YUUTO: I don't care just turn it off I can't sleep with it.

HISAKI: And I can't sleep without watching the news.

YUUTO: Well watch it in the sitting room since I got one, Geez.

(Hisaki off the TV and heads to the sitting room to continue watching it. He is the type of person who likes to know everything around the society, so he explores round like watching news. But Yuuto...)

ANCHORWOMAN: "... And now China investment agreed to deal with Osaka industries, Japan in helping them with an estimated gross domestic product of US$14 billion. It is believed that Osaka industries have plan in making gross payment in dealing almost twenty one percent at purchasing power supply..."

YUUTO: I can still hear it! Can't you turn it down! (He shouted from his room)

(After he said that, Hisaki smiled devilishly and increase the volume of the television)

ANCHORWOMAN: "Federal government says that there will be increased of financial income to workers at twenty percent this year. This was announced by the federal government minister to advanced the levels of skill workers..."

(Hisaki waited to see what will Yuuto do. Yuuto covers his face with the pillow)

YUUTO: I can't stand it! I can still hear it! (He said as he got up from the bed and goes to the sitting room to meet Hisaki)

HISAKI: (Turns back surprised to see him) Oh hey buddy (He smiles)

YUUTO: You nuts, I told you to turn down the TV but you didn't.

HISAKI: But I try to turn it down...

YUUTO: Liar...! Give me that remote. (He said as he tries to grab it from him)

HISAKI: Get your hands off it.

YUUTO: In my house (Sighed as he cool his temper) You know what I'm going to bed. (He said as he left)

HISAKI: Okay (He sits and continue to watch)

ANCHORWOMAN: "Scientists in the Tokyo science laboratory found that there are over hundred billion estimated stars in our milky way. This was said by a researcher, Nakadai Redmond and it was reported on Tuesday..."

(Surprisedly, he didn't go to sleep he was hiding behind his room door)

YUUTO: (Thought) This is my chance. Hisaki should be taught a lesson. (So he jumps out to take the remote) Give me that remote! (He said as he shouted)

HISAKI: I have to watch it till the end. (He said as he collected the remote)

YUUTO: No. It's just nine o clock and I'm trying to get some sleep.

HISAKI: But I don't want to miss the news.

YUUTO: You are just a-

ANCHORWOMAN: "We also have a report about the daughter of the Ishida family who had been kidnapped days ago and was finally rescued by a mysterious man who wears a hood and a mask..."

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