Chapter 43: Minds and Decision

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(During the battle, they're unaware that someone is watching them from above, hidden by a integral hood. Suddenly, the mysterious figure jumped off the building and time skip, to Kaaru after making his entrance)

TAKASHI: What da heck?

HIRO: Kaaru.

KAARU: (turns back to them and smiled) Miss me?

HIRO: Kaaru.

KAARU: You can call my name one more time if you really miss me.

HIRO: Where have you been?

KAARU: I've been having some rough times.

HIRO: (kicks him and yelled at him with a comical defeated face) What kind of "rough times?" It's been four days and you almost got yourself disappear.

KAARU: Oh... (As he touches his swollen head while doing his face in a defeated way) I'll explain later. But first, Eito and Takashi stopped the fire from burning the entire.

TAKASHI: Right! (As he and Eito makes their move)

HIRO: What about the people? They are blocking our way.

KAARU: We'll defend our way through and stopped that lady.

HIRO: Kaaru, good to have you here.

KAARU: Yeah. Don't worry, I got your back.

HIRO: (smiles) Right.

LADY: (got up and looked at them in anger and said) Bring it!

(As Kaaru and Hiro charged towards the lady, the two begin attacking the lady as Kaaru uses his fire blast on her and started somersaulting and dodging her attaks. Hiro then gave her a punch and a kick, making her to take a few steps back and as Kaaru and Hiro jumped up to give her the finishing, they were suddenly interrupted by a figure who appeared out of nowhere, blocking their path and gave them the two a punch, making them to fall to the ground)

(Kaaru got up and gritting his teeth and stared at the figure, with his hood on and Kaaru had a thought)

KAARU: (Thought) Who's that guy?

(Back to Eito and Takashi as they tried pulling out the fire)

EITO: The fire is getting worst.

TAKASHI: Stand back, Eito. I got this. (As Eito went back, Takashi used his power as aura begins to appear round his body and then was able to use his psychic power to make a wave of water as it appeared and blasted it on the fire as it quenched)

EITO: Nice one, Takashi.


??: Oh very nice. (As the figure reveled himself as it was Hatsuo)

(Eito and Takashi then balanced their fighting stance)

HATSUO: (looked at them with a serious look)

KAARU: (gritting his teeth) Who are you, and why are you getting in our way?

??: (didn't respond anything)

KAARU: Alright. Maybe we'll do this the hard way. Hiro, let me handle him. (He said as he speed up to attack him)

(As the two collided their blows, they continue to exchange blows, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Kaaru increases the intensity of his flames, causing the surrounding area to heat up)

KAARU: (straining) Feel the heat!

(As he was about to give him a mighty punch, the figure dodged that and channels a powerful surge of lightning, which hits him and lands him a few steps back)

Elemental 1: XO/FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora