Chapter 1: A Strange Thing

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[50 years ago]

A large meteor came lunging down swiftly as it crashed in the city of Tokyo, Japan. After that, large numbers of people were walking as they were running mad displaying strange powers. It was a disastrous event while buildings and houses were demolished. A man goes on his kneels, touches his head with his two hands and shouted as he breaths out fire from his mouth. The scene go to black.

[Present day]

The lights come up to the present event, It all started in Tokyo while there was traffic jam. Junri horns repeatedly as there was no movement of cars.

JUNRI: (She sighed and adjust the rear-view mirror and looks at Kaaru through it, he was seen operating his phone) Kaaru.

(Junri is a beautiful woman and a great aunty to Kaaru. She took care of him like his own mother. Although, She didn't had a son for her own)

KAARU: Huh? (He said while operating his phone)

JUNRI: There's a lot of traffic jam, so how about I parked the car somewhere safe till it's over.

KAARU: And what are we supposed to be doing? Wait here.

JUNRI: (Puts her finger on her chin while she thinks) Hmm, there's a restaurant not far from here. How about we go there?

KAARU: Sure thing.

(Junri parked her car and they went inside the restaurant as they ordered what they want)

JUNRI: (Eats a burger) Mmm, this is good. Kaaru why didn't you ordered this?

KAARU: I don't just want it.

JUNRI: But you ordered just a... coffee. (She said while looking at the coffee, confused)

KAARU: Because Incase I'm studying, I drink it to prevent sleepiness

JUNRI: Is that so. But remember that taking too much have side effects

KAARU: Yeah I know (They was a long silence while the two didn't say anything, just Junri eating hamburger and Kaaru drinking coffee. But then, he broke the silence and said) Um... Junri, you told me I'll be transferred to a new school. Right?

JUNRI: Of course since that one is far from my house, I decided to look for one that is closed.

KAARU: But why now? You know for five years I have never go to school.

JUNRI: I know. Remember you stopped going to that one when you were twelve. I only have just two thousand yen and that wouldn't be enough in sending you to another school. I worked in selling of books, so that I can make it up to you. You were always hardworking helping me out.

KAARU: Yeah.

(The news volume was increased and the anchorwoman begins to report the news)

WOMAN: "It was reported that thirty investigators under SDIA were under attacked by manipulators. The incident took place at midnight around one o clock and confirmed that twenty two were injured and eight of them killed"

JUNRI: Manipulator... when can they stop messing around in this big city?

KAARU: Manipulators... eight... killed? (He said while he was shocked to hear that from the news)

JUNRI: Hey Kaaru you should forget about that. (Looks outside the window while the road was free at last) Let's get going Kaaru.

(They left and drove out the car. Kaaru looks outside the window thinking of what he just heard on the news)

KAARU: (Begins to have a thought) SDIA were under attacked... again, what were they thinking? They don't follow basic orders or what. I keep hearing news about them, about this manipulators, who are they?

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