Chapter 22: Outcome

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(At the school cafeteria, the four of them that is Kaaru, Hiro, Eito and Yuuto were all seated, having their lunch. Eito was seen reading as he wasn't eating his food that was in front of him while the rest were)

YUUTO: Eito don't you do something rather than reading? You get distracted with books so easily.

EITO: I find it unique (without looking at him but staring at the book as he flips a page)

YUUTO: Whatever, all these philosophers can't just keep their eyes away from it.

(Eito couldn't take it anymore on Yuuto who was distracting him as he shuts the door and said)

EITO: Well I guess you don't know the reason. If you want to read a book, you must understand an idea that the book says and if you have the knowledge then you can be able to understand.

YUUTO: Sometimes seeing people reading books is kind of annoying.

(Eito was surprised in hearing what Yuuto said while his right eyes were narrowed and his right eyebrow was shaking in irritation)

EITO: Is that what you think.

KAARU: Is okay, Eito. Yuuto don't know what he is saying...

EITO: (Didn't listen to Kaaru and said this to Yuuto) If you want to know the important of our generation today, it is in a book. The study of animals, humans and plants are all written in a science book.

YUUTO: Reading a book really aches me at times.

EITO: That is why you don't focus on it. Have knowledge, get attention to one particular book rather than going to another page.

YUUTO: Well Kaaru sees it interesting. Do you find book interesting?

KAARU: Yeah of course.

HIRO: I find it the same but sometimes complicated.

YUUTO: Looks like you all are on Eito's side.

KAARU: So what do you do if you don't read?

YUUTO: I do nothing. Having a drink, going around with my phone and call someone if I'm bored, that's it.

(Then Kaaru's phone started to ring as he brings his phone out)

YUUTO: See just like I said.

(Kaaru sees that the person is Tan, who is calling. So he stays a distance away from his friends and he picks it up)

KAARU: Hello (He said while changing his voice to a deep one)

TAN: XO, we got big problem and I may need your help for this.

KAARU: What's it?

TAN: A supermarket was attacked few hours ago. Meet me at Takayi lane.

KAARU: On it. (He ended the call and went back to them. He sat down to eat while having a thought) I don't want to leave now. School will be closed in the next few hours, hope I'll make it after that. (Then he continues to eat)

(Three hours later, Kaaru went to the see the incident while police were investigating it. Kaaru who wore his XO mask saw Tan with a lady.)

KAARU: Mr. Tan.

TAN: You came late.

KAARU: I know. I had some stuffs to do that's why. So what really happened?

LADY: We don't know but eye witnesses said that the market was attacked by group of criminals. Police are trying their best to investigate their hideout but haven't find anything. But luckily, the people inside were able to find their way out. No record of deaths and injured persons.

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