Chapter 41: Unfold

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Author: Now that Tan's backstory has ended, I can now go back to where I stopped. Oh Yuuto, what really happened to him. Did he still accept the invitation from Reverend Hatsuo? Well yes, he did and let's find out.

(Yuuto was going to Hatsuo's place in the middle of the night. He looked round and saw a man drunk after drinking more than six bottles, some group of gangs were beating up a man to death and some people by the beaten man's side could be seen dead. One of the gangs, who was smoking saw Yuuto and said)

1ST GANG: Who are you looking at?

YUUTO: Nothing. (He walk passed them, but the gangs stopped him)

1ST GANG: You turn your fucking head at me and you telling me nothing. What's the matter, too scared to look back again.

YUUTO: You're on my way.

1ST GANG: Huh? And so. We ain't done with you yet. We're just getting started (He said as he saw Yuuto clenching his right fist) So you wanna fight, huh?

YUUTO: I didn't say I wanna fight. So why don't you all buzz off.

1ST GANG: Oh now I see. (He said as he was about to give him a punch towards Yuuto, but surprisedly, Hatsuo stopped the fist, making all of the gangs and Yuuto surprised to see that)

HATSUO: Enough of that, I don't want you to disturb my visitor.

1ST GANG: (looked at him surprised)

HATSUO: So why don't you leave and stay in your filthy life.

1ST GANG: Who do you think you're taking to? You muthafucka! (As he was about to give him a blow with his other fist)

HATSUO: (hold the gang's fist and cracks it, making the man to be in pain and said) You know God is not happy the way you are leaving your life. At the end you will lament since that's what sin is.

1ST GANG: Yo! Stop!

HATSUO: (decided to stop and the gangs ran away)

YUUTO: Why do you let them go?

HATSUO: I don't want any trouble but doing that must have make them not to cause harm. That wouldn't happen again. (He said as he left and Yuuto followed him. They went inside his house)

YUUTO: (looked round the place to see it was well furnished) You have a nice place. (he then saw Hatsuo's ring on his finger) You live here alone?


YUUTO: So what's up the ring? You married?

HATSUO: No. I don't want to talk about it.

YUUTO: I guess I don't have anything to say, I only wanted to know where you live and it seems the environment isn't that safe. How do you cope with them?

HATSUO: Let's just say I avoid been harmed by anyone. It's true that the environment isn't nice, but thank God, I'm still safe.

YUUTO: Yeah.

HATSUO: Do you want anything to drink?

YUUTO: No I'm okay.

HATSUO: Yuuto, I want to tell you something.

YUUTO: ... (just look at him waiting for what he wants to say)

HATSUO: I want you to join me.

YUUTO: Join... you?

HATSUO: Yes your sin has been in great danger. All you have to do is by being born again. I can make you who you really are.

YUUTO: I know who I'm I.

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