Chapter 25: The Corvus

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[The Next Day...]

[At the blue tree organization]

(Focusing the inside was a hospital and Saku sat on a bed with a tray filled with sandwiches and tea. But he wasn't eating it, he was reading a magazine while making a comical defeated face flipping the pages. The magazine he was reading was a mucky magazine)

(As he was doing that, a knock was heard at the door and he quickly hid the magazine under his pillow and started eating his sandwiches. The door finally opened as Yami came in)

YAMI: I was asked to check on you. So how are you doing?

SAKU: I'm doing well. It was just a little scratch on my belly.

YAMI: I see. Well get well soon. (He said while was about to leave)

SAKU: Um... Wait. Do you also work here?

YAMI: Yeah.

SAKU: Really! Because I also work here.

YAMI: Wow good for you (he said with a bored tone)

SAKU: So do you know why?

YAMI: I don't remember.

SAKU: (Looked shocked at Yami on what he said) Huh?

YAMI: I don't remember my past event. All I remember was me stepping in to this organization as a newcomer. I was thinking if I was suffering for amnesia but I don't know. Until I remember them a little by their names but not about them.

SAKU: Who's them?

YAMI: Eito, Hiro and Yuuto. Those people were the ones that killed my friends, Nate and Tasha.

SAKU: Oh I kinda know them. They were superior to the lesser aoks in the fifth department.

YAMI: Yeah and... they killed them! (he said while clenches his fist)

SAKU: Hey you better calm down. It's okay. (Yami sat down on a chair placed close to the wall) Try forgetting the saddest moment and replace it to the funny ones.

YAMI: It's that so. (He tries to remember one as he thinks for a while and he chuckles a little while smiling) Yeah. I remember one.

SAKU: See I told you.

YAMI: Yeah. Anyway, I heard you went for a mission to collect some goods in Hashimoto warehouse but you failed.

SAKU: Mmm. I got encountered by four people on mask... Say, you know XO, don't you? Why didn't you mention his name among the people who killed those two siblings?

YAMI: I don't know him like that. How do you know he was among them?

SAKU: I just thought of that because I know that he is a friend to those three guys name you mentioned.

YAMI: (Sighed) We don't know what will happened next since Taichi is dead.

SAKU: It's not a problem. We can hire somebody else as a new leader of the blue tree's armorer. Taichi was just a piece of trash ever since he turned his back away from this organization and I pretended to be on his side.

YAMI: So what do you think the next step will be?

SAKU: I don't know but it's all a matter of fate.

YAMI: Okay if you say so. (He said as he stood up while making his way to the exit and he forgot to say this) I almost forgot this. Mr. Ito will like to see you.

SAKU: Crap, I'm dead. Is it about what happened last night?

YAMI: I don't know. More like a father and son conversation.

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