4. Motel

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When we get to the coast guard, the place is packed so we decide to head to the Motel.

"I'm not going in there." Pope says. "If I get caught, I'm losing my scholarship."

"You can keep watch with Kiara." I say.

We pull up to the Motel and JB, JJ, and I get out of the boat.

"John B, be careful. Please." Kiara says.

JJ and I look at each other and raise our eyes brows and smirk. Then the 3 of us start walking up the Motel stairs.

"Just be so careful John B." JJ says. He puts his hands on John B's face like he's about to kiss him. I laugh. "What the heck was that about?" JJ asks.

"I don't know." JB says. "Maybe she wants us to be careful."

"Ever since you've been threatened with exile it's just been, oh yeah John B." JJ says. He starts massaging JB's shoulders and I laugh. "Oh be so careful John B, just give me that John D already." JJ says in a soft girls voice.

I laugh harder. "Dude you know the rule, no pogue on pogue macking." JB says. "And you can't be saying anything, you're always hitting on my sister."

"Oh now wait a minute there JB. We are both just naturally flirty." I say.

"And of course I'm hitting on your sister, she's a super hot chick." JJ says. My face gets a little red and I try to hide a smile.

We get to the last door and John B calmly knocks on it.

"Dude wait, I got this." JJ says. He knocks on the door and gets a really high pitched voice. "Housekeeping."

I smile and laugh. He's so cute and funny but I'll never have the heart to tell him how I really feel.

JB unlocks the door and we all walk in. We all start checking bags for a name but we are all unsuccessful. JB tries to open a safe and I look at the maps on the table.

"Wait." JB says. He walks over to me and takes a sticky note and tries the numbers in the the safe. It opens.

"Holy shit." I say. There are stacks of cash and a gun in the safe.

JJ grabs the gun. "Take my picture." He says.

"Do you want to make your own criminal evidence?" JB asks.

Then I hear a knock on the window and see Kiara and Pope mouthing, "Cops!"

"Guys, cops." JB says.

We all climb out of the window and stand in the small roof part below the window. I'm against the Motel and JJ is behind me.

I start breathing harder. I don't trust cops. Not after what they did last year. But we aren't getting into that right now.

JB looks at me and knows that I'm scared. He looks over at JJ and gives him a look to make him look at me.

JJ holds my hand. "Hey, it's okay. I'm gonna keep you safe." He says.

I close my eyes and he pulls he closer to his chest. I feel safe with him. I feel like everything will be okay. I listen to JJ's heartbeat, even though it's fast, it still calms me.

JJ reaches for his gun but it falls out of his pocket and it makes a loud sound before hitting the ground.

I freeze and starts shaking. My breathing increases. I try to breath through my mouth but apparently it's too loud because JJ puts his hand over it.

The cops go away and I can breath again. I hug JJ and JJ hugs me back. "See, I told you."

JJ jumps off first and catches me when I jump off. He grabs the gun and puts it in his pocket.

JB hugs me. "You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say. We all get on the boat.

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