38. FBI

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I got no sleep that night. In the morning, JJ basically drags me out of bed so we can go stop Kiara and Pope before they tie the boat down.

We all run down the dock. JB helps me walk.

"Hey hey!!" JJ yells. "Don't tie it down!"

"What?" Kie asks.

"We're dipping." JJ says.

"Why?" Pope asks.

"What are you talking about?" Kie asks. JJ helps me onto the boat while I limp with calf and my zero hours of sleep.

"We slept on the break." Pope says. "What's up?"

"Slept, right, yeah." JJ says. He helps me sit down.

"We were up all night." JJ says.

"We gotta get the hell out of here." JB says.

"Rafe knows we're here. We have leave now." Sarah says.

We pull the boat up in a random grassy area on the cut and I'm sitting on the ground.

"If Rafe and Barry know, it's only a matter of time before everyone knows." I say.

"We should've gone south man." JJ says.

"Just stop it." JB says.

"Why does no one ever listen!?!" JJ asks, raising his voice.

"I get it, I get it, I understand." JB says. JJ walks over to me and sits down next to me. I give him a hug. He feels like no one ever listens to him and he panics because of his bad temper and the fear of his own father. He's anxious about everything but tries not to show it. I can see it clearly because thats how I feel sometimes.

"With me back, my dad will have to choose between me and Rafe." Sarah says. "He'll choose me." Sarah says.

"Ward is lying to you Sarah." JB says. I lean my head on JJ's shoulder and start to drift to sleep.

About 30 minutes later, I am woken up by Pope. I'e been moved to an area in the sand and JJ isn't there. "Yo Ash, wake up." He says. I groan. "Sarah's back."

I get up and see Sarah pulling up to shore. I run over to her along with the rest of the crew.

"You guys were right." Sarah says. "It didn't work."

JJ walks over. "Well, then that settles it guys, y'all need to load up in the paddy wagon and get the heck out of Dodge right now." JJ says.

"You'll need supplies and you'll have to split as soon as possible." Pope says.

Kie is looking off into the distance. "I think it's too late." She says. I look into the ocean and see police boats heading towards us.

"We gotta go guys." I say.

"Stay on the beach with your hands in the air!!!!" An officer yells.

"Wait, his hat says FBI." I say. Chills run down my spine. The FBI are chasing my brother.

We all starts running towards the woods. We run and swim through an area to get back to grassy ground.

"Go!!! Go!!!" JB yells. He is helping Sarah run.

"Ash! You need help?" JJ asks, noticing that I'm in pain from my calf. I am limping and running through the woods.

"No! Just keep running!!" I yell. We all run into tall grass and then run through some deep water, it burns my cut and ruins the bandage but that's the least of my worries at the moment. We have to swim and I push through the pain. Then we get back on land and hide behind a tree. The officers start coming from all directions.

"We're surrounded." I say. My breathing starts to increase as I see the guns in the hands of the FBI and I see cop cars. All to get my innocent brother.

I look over and see JJ drying off the gun. I don't say anything. I don't know what to say.

"J-J." I stutter. JJ looks at me and sees that I'm panicking.

"It'll be okay Ash. I can handle this." JJ says. "Je t'aime." He says. Then JB stops him and shakes his head. He stops JJ and JJ looks at him with tears in his eyes. JB grabs the gun and drops it at his feet. He covers it with dirt.

"JB." I say. He looks at me and I hug him, knowing what he's about to do. He hugs me back and then steps out from behind the tree. He has his hands up.

Shoupe points a gun at him. "John B!" He yells. The guy with no neck also gets out of the car with anger in his eyes. "Step out to the clearing!"

"I'm surrendering!" John B says.

"Everyone stay where you are and have your hands up where we can see them!" Shoupe says.

"I wanna testify!" John B says. I have tears falling down my eyes at this point. There are about 50 guns pointed at my brother. Then Thomas, the guy with no neck, goes and throws JB to the ground.

"Hey!! What the fuck!?!?!?!" I yell. I run over to Thomas and I kick him in the balls. "Don't lay your nasty ass hands on my brother!!!" I scream.

Thomas has no physical reaction but he looks at me in anger. He punches me square in the face and I fall the the ground, knocked out.

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