65. Admit

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I follow the guard to the room that Mr. Singh is in.

I see Singh at his desk. "I lied." I say. "I know about the diary. I don't have the original but I can get you a copy."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that, you know." Singh says. "May I offer you something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry." I say.

"Relax. Nothing's gonna happen to you now." Singh says.

"I just want to get you what you want, and then I want to leave and get back to my home with my family." I say. "I know where the diary is but I need to go by myself." I say.

"How would I know that you'd come back?" He asks.

"Keep Rafe." I say.

Singh laughs. "How did someone so young, get into so much trouble?" Singh asks.

"I know where it is and if you let me go, I promise that I will get it to you." I say.

"I built this fortune myself, you know." Singh says.

"I don't give a fuck about your fortune!" I say. "Let me out of here or your ugly ass face will get a beating."

Singh comes up to me and slaps me again. "Don't waste my time Ms. Routledge." Then his phone buzzes and he goes to look at it. He laughs. "A text from our friend Jimmy Portis. Back from the dead. It seems that he's captured your friends." He says. He shows me a picture of JB and Sarah tied up.

"Don't touch them!" I yell. I swing a punch at Singh but he catches it and punches me in the face, knocking me out.

Rafe POV:

I hear yelling from downstairs and then everything goes quiet. What did Singh do to Ash? I've hurt her enough, why does Singh have to continue? She doesn't deserve it.

Some guards come in and open the door. They throw an unconscious Ashlyn onto the ground. She has a black eye.

"Fuck." I say. "What did you do to her?!" I ask. They close the door and I sigh. I set her on the bed and try to get her to wake up. "Ashlyn! Wake the hell up!" I yell.

Then her eyes open and she sees me and she crawls to the other end of the bed, scared. I feel guilty. She's scared because of me. She went to the other end of the bed because of me.

Ash POV:

I wake up on the bed and Rafe is staring at me right in my face. Jump scare. I crawl to the other end of the bed, scared.

"What the fuck?" I ask.

"The guards brought you up here unconscious." Rafe says. "You have a black eye." He says.

I stand up and go look in the mirror but I get dizzy and fall to the ground. Rafe helps me up. "What the fuck happened?" He asks. He sits me on the bed.

"Singh punched me and he's going after my family. We have to get the fuck out of here." I say.

"Now wait, you gotta explain little more than that." Rafe says.

"I don't owe you an explanation." I say. "Do you remember everything that you've done?" I ask. "To Sarah? I know about killing Peterkin was to prove to your dad that your not weak but the things you did to Sarah aren't something that your dad would be proud of." I say.

"I'm as much of a victim as Sarah is." Rafe says. "Think about it. What did I get from shooting Peterkin? Nothing." Rafe says. "My own father wasn't even proud. I liked Peterkin, okay? I didn't want to make that choice. I don't know what happens when I make those choices."

"It's what you thought about in the moment to prove to your dad that you can take on his legacy one day." I say. "I get it Rafe. But what about Sarah?" I ask.

"See? You understand." Rafe says. "I will admit though, what I... what I did to Sarah... what I tried to do umm.... I admit that was wrong." Rafe says. He gets teary eyes. "I know that." He says. "So, you don't have to remind me." He says. "What I did to you.... That was wrong too. I don't know what I was trying to prove there." He cries and puts his hands on the sides of his head. I go and hug him. He shoves me off with tears in his eyes. "She was family! I should've never touched her! Or you!" He says. "I-I just lose control sometimes and I-I dunno." He says. "I'm trying to get better." He says. "I-I'm not the bad guy that you think I am. You understand, right?" Rafe asks.

"Of course I do, Rafe. You're like me with the waiting of approval from your father. I understand that you lose control sometimes. When my dad was around, I did some things that no one knows about." I say.

"Listen, you might not wanna trust me okay, but I'm your best bet of getting out of here." Rafe says. "I got a boat that can get us away from here. It's better if we work together." Rafe says. "Please, let me try to right some wrongs."

"Okay. Let's get out of here." I say.

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