Chapter 50

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You did not follow through on your word. You followed Hina's quirk in order to speak with her privately.

You know Kei would never intentionally harm someone, and you don't want Hina to believe her brother is a murderer. As Iwasaki said, he was a child who had no idea what would have happened to Touya. He was simply scared.

You have your concerns, though, because you are the only one who has no recollections of any of them. When you don't have a hint from the past, you can't come up with your own theory.

But you know Kei is not and has never been a bad person. So you trust him. And you want Hina to have faith in him as well. It's understandable to be angry with him, especially because Touya meant so much to her that she shattered her own memories.

Perhaps she is still in mourning over Touya. She never got over his death, which is why she reacted the way she did.

Hina's quirk was deactivated, and you tried to hear any sound she could make in order to locate her. It's difficult, though, when there's so much noise all around you and she's not even close enough for you to notice her.

'At least I know what else I need to be trained for.' You think. 'Okay, let's see. If I wanted to be alone, where would I go?'

You scan around for a sign as to where she may have gone, but you quickly give up because you don't know Hina at all. You can't predict where she is if you don't know her.

You land on the sidewalk searching inside some alleys. No luck.

Maybe you should simply go back to your hotel room and give her some alone time. You can even anger her if you go looking for her.

You were ready to take off again when you heard her voice. It was a little hazy, and you couldn't hear what she was saying, but that means she's not far away.

You chose to talk to her after giving it some thought, even if she was angry with you for following her. When her voice became clearer, you realized she was with another person. A man, to be precise.

Is she in danger? There was no scream or anything like that; she sounded like she was having a normal chat with him. Even if she is in danger, he cannot capture her, she moves too fast.

That person, though, may be from the LoV. If that's the case, you should contact Kei. But what if Hina believes you have betrayed her? This is a mess.

You'll merely keep an eye on her from afar, and if she doesn't appear to be in need of help, you'll go. That's all. That's all you're going to do.

You followed the faint sound of their voices, which became much louder as you got closer. You land on top of a structure and send a feather their way to listen.

"It didn't go quite as I intended, Dabi," Hina sighs. You're wondering if the reason she sounds upset is because of Kei or this Dabi dude. "I'm not sure what to believe anymore."

"I see," He said in his low, raspy voice. He sounds a little scary. "Di...tell you?"

The wind started rustling and limited the amount of words you can listen to. Everything is too loud for you to decipher their words.

"Tell me wha..." Cars that were passing by were also getting in the way and Hina whispered that sentence, too.

"That your precious broth-" If you get any closer they'll notice you but this isn't working either. You can barely understand what they're saying. "Killed me? That he's...I became...I am today?"

Did he say brother? And that he killed him? Your legs are automatically moving closer to the edge of the building but have to stay put.

He can't be...Your parents said he died. Kei said he died. Hina punched him because he supposedly killed him. This Dabi person...Can't be Touya...

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