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A lone figure stands in the wilderness wondering if peace will truly ever return to the worlds. His thoughts all culminate in one word. A name known throughout all the worlds-Sora-


Crisis: war has ravaged the land

Objective:retrieve a powerfull artifact

Kain:So, you finally decided to show up. I was beggining to think you cowered away.

Riku: Clearly you don't know me at all. I don't run away from a fight.

Kain: So, what is your plan?

Riku: Get in, defeat as many heartlesss as you can and get the artifact. It's crucial to this war.

Kain: Where is Sora?

Riku: He's in Halloween Town taking care of a Darkside.

Kain: Alone?

Riku: With Donald and Goofy. They should be able to defeat it.

Kain: That's good to hear. He needs all the help he can get. Any news on the recruits?

Riku: They're supposed to be in Radiant Garden training with Kairi. She's done a good job so far. Soon we will hold a mark of mastery test for three of them.

Kain: Who are they?

Riku:Ethan, Trish and Ventus.

Kain: Ventus? Did he not perish a few years ago?

Riku: Sora saved him and Aqua, but Terra is still trapped.

Kain: Let's go, time to take out the trash.

Riku and Kain rush out to fight hordes of Heartless.

Riku: Twilight Wave!

Kain: Dragon's Fang!

They make their way to the castle, defeating every Heartless they come across. What will happen next? Will they manage to get this powerfull artifact? Why is the universe itself at war? Find out in Chapter One: A deadly darkness approaches... 

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