Chapter Thirty Four: The Hidden Path

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Silence. Nothing but silence. The only thing that Riku and King Mickey can witness is the lonely and somber silence of the void. They don't know where they are, only that The Mysterious Figure transported them here, and where he could be now is a mystery. They wander for what seems like endless hours, and they wonder if they've wandered off into a dream. Then, all of a sudden, The Mysterious Figure appears before them. Riku and King Mickey cautiously summon their Keyblades and keep a close watch on The Mysterious Figure.

King Mickey: You again!

Riku: Tell us, why did you take us here? What do you want from us!?

Mysterious Figure: *sigh* It seems I can never get to have a calm conversation with you two. You always have to raise your voices. I just merely wanted to talk.

Riku: Right, then why wouldn't you talk to us on The Black Pearl?

Mysterious Figure: Because I much prefer privacy, and with that Kraken looming over them, it didn't seem appropriate for me to have a conversation with you there.

Riku: You sick demented little...

Mysterious Figure: Still your tongue. There is no need for harsh words.King Mickey: Why did you bring us here? What is it that you want to show us?

The Mysterious Figure simply walks towards them and disappears then reappears behind them, and turns to face them. He folds his arms and looks to the horizon, as if waiting for something to happen.

Mysterious Figure: This is The Void, the hidden path, a place where life and death and time itself do not have effect. It is a place where unlucky souls are condemned to wander these lifeless streams of darkness for all eternity. Some are cast here, some are not...only very few are the people that can move in and out of The Void effortlessly...

Riku: Get to the point. What is it that you want to tell us?

Mysterious Figure: Hmph, always the hasty ones, never even bothering to listen...anyways, I've come here to test your skills.

King Mickey: Test us? What do you mean?

Mysterious Figure: You are clearly at a disadvantage in this war. You're on the fangs of defeat. The only thing you're clinging on is to hope and determination. Impressive as though that may be, you need more then childish hopes to even think of surviving this war.

King Mickey:'s almost as if you're trying to help us..but why would you do that?

Mysterious Figure: ...Simply out of curiosity. Observing, if you will. Analyzing how far you Keyblade Wielders will go to save what precious little light there's left in the world...

Riku and King Mickey analyze The Mysterious Figure's tone. He sounds almost sad, as if asking for forgiveness for all that he's done. But knowing that he's the enemy, they quickly dismiss the thought. After all, the enemy will use any trick to deceive opponents.

Riku: How exactly are you going to test us?

 Mysterious Figure: A battle. But now with me. No, you shall face one who is skilled with many weapons. A wanderer of the rift. A legendary warrior, if you will. If you can defeat him and claim his power as your own, then, and only then, can you escape from here.

Riku: Wait!

But before he's able to utter another word, The Mysterious Figure vanishes, and in the distance, a sudden gleam of light can be seen. Riku and King Mickey prepare for battle, and ready themselves for anything that might happen.

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