Chapter Forty Seven: The Final Battle Part 7: The Enigma Of Twilight

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Now having defeated Xylek, the party continues to cautiously wander the halls of The Master's Lair. Everything seems to be quiet...maybe a little too quiet. Then they make their way to the second floor via the spiraled stairs, and they search around for any signs of Unborn or any of The Master's cohorts. They continue marching through the halls of the second floor until they reach a strange chamber, in which a considerably giant statue of The Master is placed right in the center of the room. The gothic style mirrors radiate an eerie blue light that shines down upon our heroes. They investigate the corridors of this chamber and see if they can find any kind of compartment or anything that might give them a clue as to where The Master is hiding. Then, on the top of the statue, The Mysterious Figure appears, looking down on The Keyblade Wielders silently. Everyone looks up and prepares for battle.

Dexeres: You!

Mysterious Figure: Before saying anything, keep in mind that The Master is not here. He awaits you at the Dungeon of Darkness. He has prepared himself for the imminent battle he will have with all of you.

Donald: Huh? Why are you telling us this? Why are you warning us?

King Mickey: Gosh, come to think of it, he has helped us out a lot of times, and he's gotten us out of very tight situations! He's sure been a reliable ally, even though he's the enemy!

Riku: But I still find it strange. Why would he help us if he's with them?

Mysterious Figure: I myself do not know the course of my actions. Maybe I am doing this out of amusement, to see just how far you are all willing to go to save the worlds from darkness. Or maybe I am doing this for my own personal gain, hoping to gain the secrets of your abilities. Or maybe I'm doing this out of atone for past atone for all the wrongs I've ever made.

Dexeres: Right. Well, I'm not falling for this! You betrayed me long ago, and after all the horrible things you've done, you think you can just earn our trust just like that!? You have some nerve!

Mysterious Figure: Your anger is understandable. I shall not object with all of your claims.

Sora: What is it that you want from us!? What do you hope to gain!?

Mysterious Figure: I seek hope. Hope for a better future. I seek a reason to believe in you.

Sora: Huh?

And with that, The Mysterious Figure slowly floats down to the ground and he summons his Keyblade. As he lands gently to the ground, he walks towards the Keyblade Wielders, but Dexeres pushes forward and summons his Keyblade, then looks back to his allies.

Dexeres: Guys, let me take care of this. I have to settle my score with him.

Terra: Good luck.

Dexeres nods then turns around to face The Mysterious Figure. He makes a barrier to make sure that his friends aren't harmed, and then he charges towards The Mysterious Figure. He starts clashing blades with him, sidestepping and parrying and counterattacking each other's attacks. Then he dashes and uses his Twilight Skyrider attack to impale The Mysterious Figure, but he simply dodges the attack, as if it was nothing. Then Dexeres rushes towards him and tries to find a weak link in The Mysterious Figure's defenses, but he finds none.

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