Chapter Seven: A Fierce Battle

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As Sora and friends look upon the burnt remains of the village, they see swarms of Heartless, Nobodies and Unborn heading towards them. Sora thinks:-Why are they working together?- 

Mulan: Sora, what's wrong!?

Sora: Why are they working together?

Mulan: They want to take us out first so that they can destroy themselves after, to them we are obstacles.

Donald: How did you find that out?

Mulan: When the two dragons destroyed the village, they started to battle each other.

Goofy: Guys, we got trouble!!!

Suddenly, they find themselves battling for their lives as relentless swarms of Unborn attack them.

Sora: Sonic Blade!

Donald: Fire!

Goofy: Shield Barrier!

Mulan: Flame Strike!

At that same moment, a giant Unborn dragon swoops down and wipes out most of the Heartless and Nobodies.

Sora: Wha—What's happening?

Goofy: It's the three dragons!!! We're in trouble now!!!

Mushu: Um, let's see, at time like these we should...RUN!!!!

Sora: No, we have to finish them off, or they'll keep destroying everything.

Mulan: I'm with you Sora!

Mushu: Oh, I got a bad feeling about this!

Meanwhile, Kairi sits under a shady tree in the garden when all of a sudden Dexeres appears before him.

Kairi: Oh, Dexeres, you startled me!

Dexeres: Sorry, it wasn't my intention.

Kairi: What's wrong, you look sad.

Dexeres: It's nothing...

Kairi: Please, tell me, what's wrong?

Dexeres: I— It's just, I've lost everything that I've ever held dear, and I am seeing that the same will happen with all the worlds, that they will all meet a gruesome end...

Kairi: Please, don't think like that, as long as we are here, Kingdom Hearts will not be tainted by darkness. Why don't you stay here in Radiant Garden?

Dexeres: ...I am a shell of my former self, bound to the darkness. I cannot stay here, I must remain in the shadows, but do not worry, I will come to aid you.

As soon as he finishes speaking these words, he vanishes in the blink of an eye.

Ethan: Master Kairi, Ventus, Trish and I will depart now.

Kairi: All right, please be carefull.

As Kairi looks up to the sky, thinking about Sora, Sora and the others battle the three dragons. 

Sora: Climb on the tails and strike them down!

Donald: Waaaak! Easy for you to say!

Mulan: Wait, I see a weak spot in the edge of the wings, we have to strike the wings. Sora is right, we must climb on the tails!

The brave warriors fight desperately to stay alive, and the battle rages across the skies. But the three dragons combine their powers to transform into an even more powerfull beast.

Sora: They have transformed into an even more powerfull dragon!!

Mushu: Wait, who's that over there?

Sora and friends look towards the horizon, and they see a man in armor wielding a keyblade. Who could he be? Find out in Chapter Eight: The Man in Armor... 

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