Chapter Forty Three: The Final Battle Part 3: Pyros, The Fiery Spirit

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Aqua panics as she sees that she can't do anything to unfreeze her friends, and she even tries Firaga, but it strangely doesn't work, for it seems that Aquaon cast a special type of protective barrier on his ice spell, as if knowing that Aqua would have tried to use any fire spell to melt the ice. Aqua doesn't know what else to do, and so she desperately gives out a cry for help, but then she asks herself why she did that, since there is no ally around. But all of a sudden, The Mysterious Figure appears right in front of her, and she jumps back a few steps. She then summons her Keyblade and points it at him.

Aqua: What are you doing here?

Mysterious Figure: I heard your voice, calling out for help. And so, I came.

Aqua: What? Your going to help me? But I don't understand...aren't you the enemy?

Mysterious Figure: What? Do I need a reason to help someone?

He then snaps his fingers, and the ice spell imprisoning the Keyblade Wielders dissipates. Aqua sighs of relief and feels better now. But when she turns around to thank The Mysterious Figure, she sees that he's gone. She's almost sure he must have freed her friends for some personal reason, or it could all be just a trap for all she knows. But nevertheless, she feels grateful for the favor.

Terra: Aqua, are you allright!?

Aqua: Yes, my love, I'm fine.

They happily embrace in each other's arms and kiss passionately, and everyone else shakes off the cold of the ice.

Vanitas: How long where we frozen? I mean sheesh, couldn't you have unfrozen us sooner?

Aqua: Believe me Vanitas, I tried, but it was The Mysterious Figure that freed you guys.

Dexeres: What? ...Why would he help us?

Aqua: That's the same question I asked myself, but then I paid no mind to it. The important thing is that you guys are safe.

Xion: Yes, that's right.

They all heal themselves and prepare themselves for anything else that may lie ahead. Just then, the landscape distorts again, only this time, it distorts into a volcanic landscape with volcanoes and magma rivers. Everyone stands guard and in unison, they think of the same thing: another of the Four Spirits has come to challenge them. And they are right, as they see that from the magma river, Pyros, The Fiery Spirit emerges, and he approaches them and observes them all carefully.

Pyros: Hmph, it seems that your more stronger than I led myself to believe. You have already disposed of two of my brothers. You shall perish for that, and I'll make sure to dispose of you! I will give you credit, you are brave for coming this far, but now, this is where your journey shall end. Your deaths will be upon my hand, and I shall savor victory!

Ventus: Don't be so sure! We'll be sure to take you out!

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