Chapter One: A Deadly Darkness Approaches

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Kain and Riku storm through the castle as they defeat Heartless after Heartless. They rush to retrieve the artifact before it falls to the hands of their foes. As they keep ascending the floors of the castle, they come upon a knight fighting to stay alive.

Kain: Cecil! We shall aid you!

Cecil: No, stand back. It's a trap!

Riku: Damn, wha-, what are these things!?

Kain: Such strange creatures. I can't move!

Suddenly, a hooded man appears before them coming from a dark portal.

Mysterious Figure: Well, well, well. What do we have here? I expect to find poor resistance and yet I find three formidable warriors. Hmph, at least you three will suit as my puppets, commandering my creatures, the Unborn.

Cecil: The Unborn!?

Mysterious Figure: Yes, Unborn are creatures born out of the purest of twisted souls. These beings can destroy Heartless in the blink of an eye. Hahaha, prepare to be enslaved.

All of a sudden, one of the Unborn falls instantly dead on the ground. The rest of the Unborn look around to see what is happening. Then, a quick flash of darkness kills twenty more.

Kain: What was that!?

Cecil: Whatever it was, it freed us. Let's finish them all off!

Riku: Dark Firaga!

Kain: Sky Rave!

Cecil: Paladin Force!

Mysterious Figure: NO! It cannot be!!!

One by the one, the Unborn fall by the hands of the warriors. But more keep coming as each one falls.

Voice:Let me handle this!

Riku: Huh!? Who is that!?

Then, out of thin air, another hooded man appears with dark aura eminating from him.

Hooded Man: Dark Reaper!

The hooded man is so fast that Riku, Kain and Cecil can barely see him.

Hooded Man: Go, you must get the artifact.

Heeding his words, the warriors rush to retrieve the artifact.

Mysterious Figure: It can't be! I saw you die before my very eyes! How are you alive, Dexeres!?

Dexeres: You look so surprised. The look on your face is priceless. Let's settle this. Now tell me, why is this happening? You must have broken the balance between the worlds!

Mysterious Figure: Hmph. How right you are. The worlds's chains have been broken, and now my army of darkness shall destroy everything until I obtain Kingdom Hearts!

Dexeres: No! I will stop you!

Meanwhile, Riku, Kain and Cecil finally obtain the powerfull artifact.

Kain: Wait, I sense something.

Then, in the blink of an eye, a giant Unborn appears before them, blocking their exit.

Cecil: We must defeat this creature.

Riku: Right!

The new threat has emerged, the three warriors have finally retrieved the artifact, and the mysterious figure confronts Dexeres. What will happen next? Stay tuned for Chapter Two: Escape from Baron...

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