Chapter Eighteen: A Horrifying Memory

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Ventus is terrified. He wants to sleep, but he fears that sleeping will only do him more harm. He gets out of bed and quietly makes his way into the courtyard. There he stands and looks at the beautiful starlit sky. He looks all around him, and then he summons his Keyblade, and he starts training, so he can hone his skills and control his darkness. A few minutes pass and he feels someone is watching him.

Ventus: Who's there!?

Trish: Hey, it's just me silly!

Ventus: Oh, hey Trish...what are you doing here?

Trish: Hehe, I think I should ask you the same thing. Don't you think it's a little late to be training?

Ventus: Um, I uhhh...

Trish: Hehe, well, if it's training you want, how about you spar with me?

Ventus sees the eagerness and simple joy that Trish has, and he can't help but smile.

Ventus: All right then, but I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl!

Trish: Hehe, don't worry, I won't hold back either!

And in an instant, Trish and Ventus dodge and attack at each other, and they move all around the courtyard.

Ventus: Get a load of this! Thunder Raid!

Trish: Quake!

Ventus falls to the ground in shock as it trembles under his feet, while Trish simply smirks. She then stands at the far end of the courtyard and blows him a kiss.

Ventus: You get back here! Magnet!

Trish's feet are swept away and she is pulled by Ventus's magnet spell and she floats

In the air for a few instants before falling to the ground.

Trish: That's a good one! But can you stand this? Ragnarok!

Ventus steps back and quickly dodges all the rays of Trish's Ragnarok attack, and then he readies his Keyblade and unleashes his ultimate attack.

Ventus: Salvation!

As he utters those words, giant pillars of light surround him and start expanding until the whole courtyard is covered in a blinding light.

Trish: Ven, that was amazing! You took control of your most powerful attack!

Ventus: It looks like I did. I owe it all to you Trish.

Trish: Hehe, aww thanks, but give yourself some credit, you have some really good skills with that Keyblade!

Ventus happily nods and he looks at Trish, and they both look into each others eyes for a few seconds. They both blush and look away.

Ventus: Trish, thanks.

Trish: Anytime! Now come on, now you should really get some sleep!

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