Chapter Thirty Two: A Voice Of Comfort

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Riku and King Mickey arrive at Port Royal, and they patrol the town to make sure that nothing has happened and that no damages have been made. When they see that the town is perfectly fine, they go towards the dock and contemplate what they should do next.

King Mickey: All right, the town is safe, so that means that the danger must be coming from the sea. I'm sure of it!Riku: If that's the case, then we should go on a ship and search the seas for our enemies.King Mickey: Good idea. Let's ask the sailor if we can go on his ship!Riku: Right.

Riku walks towards a sailor that's fixing up his ship, and he stands in front of him with a serious look in his face.

Sailor: Um, can I help you sir?Riku: Yes. We need to borrow your ship, there's something we're looking for.Sailor: All right, but just be sure to bring my ship back in one piece. I wouldn't want my dear ship to get sunk! You'd better take care of my baby!Riku: We'll be back quickly, we promise, right Mickey?King Mickey: Right!Sailor: All right, then go while the wind blows mighty!

Riku nods and he and King Mickey board the ship and quickly head straight towards the sea. Riku is silent for a while, and King Mickey can clearly see that something is wrong with him. But he decides to let him be for the moment, just to see if he would say something to him. But the hours passed, and Riku said nothing. After a few more minutes, King Mickey decides to ask Riku what's wrong.

King Mickey: Gosh Riku, I can't help but feel that something's troubling you deeply. I've noticed you've been very quiet ever since we boarded the ship. Do you feel okay?Riku: ...I...I don't really know. It's just that, when I was in Halloween Town, I could have sworn that I heard a voice calling out to me. The voice of a young woman, but I couldn't see who it was. Maybe I'm just imagining things..King Mickey: Hmmm, a young woman's voice?Riku: Yes. Do you know anything about it Mickey?King Mickey: Gosh, sorry Riku, but this is all new to me. But it is strange though. And you're the only one who can hear this voice?Riku: I think so. Because no one else seemed to hear it. Anyways, let's just keep an eye out for our targets. They can't be too far.

They keep sailing until suddenly they see a ship in the distance. Riku and King Mickey stop and stare at the ship, trying to determine if it's friend or foe. Then they hear a loud thud that shakes the entire ocean. The waves ripple slowly and Riku and King Mickey almost lose their balance.

King Mickey: Huh? What was that?Riku: I think we found our answer.

They look towards the east and they see another ship, a ship that they can clearly recognize. The Black Pearl! But they see two powerful looking monsters heading towards it. Riku taunts the monsters by shooting cannonballs at them, and he gets their attention. The monsters quickly go towards them.

King Mickey: It looks like we've got a fight in our hands!Riku: We're going to take them out!

Just as they're about to attack the monsters, a swirling fog of darkness covers them, preventing them from seeing what happens to the Black Pearl. Then, evil laughter is heard, and two of the Four Spirits, Windrayda and Aquaon appear before them, clearly amused by Riku and King Mickey.

Windrayda: So, you two are what The Master calls "Keyblade Wielders"? Ha, you look nothing more than insignificant mortals! Don't you agree Aquaon?Aquaon: Indeed brother, they seem weak enough, but don't underestimate them. I sense that they have immense power within. King Mickey: So you're the two monsters causing this chaos! Who are you?Windrayda: He is my brother Aquaon, the spirit of water, and I am Windrayda, the spirit of the winds, and we are but two of Four Elemental Spirits that were summoned to dispose of you.Riku: Who summoned you!?Aquaon: The Master, a powerful individual who possesses mighty power. But our creator is a boy named Kyle.King Mickey: What? Kyle!? But how could he create horrible beings like you?Aquaon: Kyle created us for the purpose of the greater good. But he was too weak, and he still is. His heart is trash. He couldn't even break free of Xylek's trance. He's worthless if you ask me. Anyways, my brothers and I realized that we were capable of so much more, but before we could unleash our true power, Kyle sealed us. But now, we are finally free, and the destruction of all worlds shall be imminent. Riku: Not if we have anything to say about it!Windrayda: Ha, you wish to fight us!? What a thought that is, but we have no time for you. Instead, there are other things you should be concerned about.

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