Chapter Forty Eight: The Final Battle Part 8: Entering The Seeping Darkness

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The party ascends the second floor of the castle, and upon arriving to the third floor, they see a giant hall and an enormous door at the end of the hallway. Just as soon as they step towards the hall, swarms of Unborn appear and block their way. Everyone prepares for battle and they charge towards the Unborn. They sweep and dodge and cast spells at them, and the Unborn quickly duplicate and swarm themselves around them, rendering them incapable of escaping.

Terra: We should have known as much! The Unborn have been waiting for us here!

Aqua: Seeing as though The Master's throne is just ahead, he's placed all the Unborn here as a last line of defense.

Ventus: Well, it's not going to work, because we'll plow through them!

Kyle: Right! We'll defeat them all!

And so the Keyblade Wielders coordinate their attacks and they gracefully take out the Unborn one by one. They are almost overrun a couple of times, but they push through the swarms of Unborn and defeat them. Just as they make their way to the end of the hall, a giant Unborn blocks their path and sweeps them off their feet. Vanitas and Ventus then run ahead to face the Unborn and they combine their attacks into two slashes of light and darkness that form the letter x. When they deal their devastating attack, the Unborn dissipates and fades away. They look around, and as they see that there are no more Unborn remaining, they open the door to the throne room. They look around and don't see The Master anywhere in sight. Then Dexeres urges the others to stand back, and he charges the energy of his Keyblade and blasts the throne to bits. After a few seconds, they notice the wall that used to house the throne is seeping pitch black darkness. They all stand still, as if taken hold by the darkness.

Sora: Well guys, this is it. From here, there's no turning back. Are you ready?

King Mickey: You betcha!

Goofy: Yep!

Dexeres: Let's finish this once and for all.

They all nod and go through the wall, and in an instant, they all start falling down what seems to be an endless abyss. They keep falling until they hit the ground, and then they regroup and stay close together, making sure that none of them are caught by surprise by The Master. A few seconds pass, and they suddenly feel an immense and powerful aura, and the ground rumbles below them. Then, The Master appears before them and laughs mockingly at them.

The Master: Hehehehehe, so it seems that you've finally come. I was expecting this moment to come. You've done well. You have all braved many dangers and many obstacles, and you've gone through many ordeals to come here. I congratulate you on this achievement, but now you must all face reality, and perish.

Kyle: No! You're the one that has to face reality! Light and Darkness are of equal strength, and they are meant to be in balance! But people like you are the ones that prevent this balance! But we're here to stop you!

The Master: Stop me? Hmph. Hardly. For as we speak, Kingdom Hearts is feeding me all of it's power, and I grow stronger and stronger by the minute.

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