Chapter Thirty: Vanitas And Ventus, Into The Shattered Realm

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The Shadow Seeker urges Ventus and the others to go in the portal before Xylek and the others return. At first they hesitate, but then they do as they're told and they go through the portal. Suddenly, they appear in what seems to be an alleyway. They look around to see if they can find the mysterious warrior that opened the portal for them.

Trish: I wonder where we are? This doesn't look like a world that's tainted by darkness.

Lunar: Hmmm, it looks like this might be some sort of town.

Ventus: You're right. Hmm, it feels so peaceful.

Kyle: I wonder if this is the world where the person that saved us lives in?

Then, they suddenly hear a whisper, as if someone is calling out to them. When they turn around, they see the Shadow Seeker, beckoning them to enter through the gate at the end of the alleyway. When they go in, they see the Shadow Seeker alongside Xion. Ventus and Trish quickly summon their Keyblades and Lunar growls at Xion.

Ventus: You! What are you doing here?

Shadow Seeker: Wait, don't attack her. Give us a chance to explain.

Ventus: Why should we trust you?

Kyle: Wait Ven, let them talk, let's hear them out first.

Ventus and the others calm down and they sit down on the sofas that are in this small little space.

Shadow Seeker: All right then. Welcome to the Usual Spot, this is a secluded place that's perfect for us to hide in. We are currently in Twilight Town, do not worry, you can be able to rest here. For now, there are no dangers here.

Ventus: Tell us, why did you save us?

Shadow Seeker: Because I'm on your side, although you may not believe it. I prefer to work silently and alone, so that no one knows of my existence.

Kyle: But why don't you want anyone to know who you are? I'm sure that if you went to Sora and King Mickey, they would gladly welcome you and ask you to join us.

Shadow Seeker: No. It's best that I remain this way. This is the only way I can be of help to you, by moving through the shadows.

Trish: I see. Tell us, why is Xion with you?

Shadow Seeker: She was under a trance, the same one that Kyle had fallen in. I had found her a long time back, but I decided to linger around the castle of our enemies, so that I could find out more about their motives and plans. When I saw that things were getting a bit too complicated, I rescued her and freed Xylek's hold on her. Don't worry, she's one of us.

Xion stands up and kneels down before Ventus and the others.

Xion: Please forgive me. I wasn't myself, I was controlled by the powers of darkness, and I wasn't able to fight back. I didn't mean to hurt anybody, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'll find some way to make it up to you all.

Lunar: Hmm, this girl's words sound sincere and true. I believe we can trust her.

Xion: Thank you. Now then, the Shadow Seeker and I have important information to tell you.

Trish: What is it?

Xion: As you already know, The Four Spirits have been awakened, and The Master is planning to make them destroy all the worlds in existence one by one until they reach Kingdom Hearts. And also, they have begun massive preparations. They are summoning an army more powerful than any that has roamed the worlds.

Ventus: An army!?

Xion: Yes, an army of Unborn and of Heartless. They are combining the powers of these creatures so they can create a powerful enough army to subdue everyone. We are greatly outnumbered.

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