Chapter Fourteen: Encounter With The Deadman, Davy Jones

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Ventus, Ethan, Trish and the gang are on the Black Pearl, sailing over calm seas. As they plan their next move, Jack Sparrow and Will Turner speak alone in private.

Jack Sparrow: Now then, Will, this key has the power to save your damsel in distress. I require of your help to obtain it.

Will Turner: What do I have to do? Where do I search for it?

Jack Sparrow: You will find out soon enough.

Will Turner: Stop talking in riddles! Just tell me where I need to go.

Jack Sparrow: Patience, William, patience...

Meanwhile, above deck, Ventus looks towards the horizon, deep in thought.

Ethan: Hey, are you allright?

Ventus: Oh... yeah. I'm just a little tired, that's all.

Ethan: Look, I can tell something is wrong with you. I can see it in your face.

Ventus: It's nothing. I just want to be alone for a while.

Ethan: Look, if this is about the whole Vanitas coming back thing... I'll help you through this.

Ventus: You— you will?

Ethan: I may not like you that much, and we may have our differences, but you're one of us. We have to look out for each other.

Ventus: Right...

Ventus just stays silent, thinking about what would happen once Vanitas comes back. As Ventus stares to the horizon in silence, Trish tries comforting him.

Trish: Hey, Ven, please, can you tell me what's wrong?

Ventus: What if, I can't stop him....once he comes back? What if he takes over me... and everyone I care about dies?

Trish: Please don't despair, you must have hope.

Jack Sparrow: What your little lass says there is true mate. When the odds are striking against you, take charge and keep that little flame of hope alive. Savvy? Sometimes the real fight is inside of you.

Ventus: Thanks, Jack.

Jack Sparrow: It's captain Jack, to you!

Dexeres: Quite everyone, I hear something!

And in the blink of an eye, Unborn appear in front of the ship's deck.

Dexeres: Guys, go, I'll take care of these, go to the cargo hold.

Ventus and the others heed Dexeres's advice and go to the cargo hold.

Jack Sparrow: This is my ship, and I'm the captain, I'm not gonna cower away from these demonspawns.

Dexeres: All right then, let's do this.

They fight the Unborn with great might, and swiftly defeat the more weaker ones. Dexeres uses the power of darkness to make duplicates of himself and strike at every turn.

Jack Sparrow: Interesting, a power like that is a good one indeed.

Dexeres: Behind you!

The Keyblade War Chapter IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora