Chapter Forty: Bob And Hector, The Maniacal Minions, A Thrilling Battle

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Bob and Hector dart around the room and laugh maniacally, as if toying with the minds of The Keyblade Wielders. How they managed to distort the landscape into a lab is a mystery, but The Keyblade Wielders have no time to ponder on the thought. They dodge Bob and Hector's attacks, and Riku takes position along with Dexeres and they start shooting arrows of darkness and light. Bob and Hector surprisingly dodge most of the arrows, proving that even though they look clumsy, they are quite nimble and agile. They attack Riku and Dexeres and then try to stun everyone else. Sora and the others dodge and step back, and Riku lunges forward towards Bob and Hector.

Riku: We're tired of your little tricks! This ends now!

Bob: Oh, but the fun has just begun!

Hector: Indeed! It wouldn't be wrong for you to play along!

Dexeres: Riku, look out!

Riku looks up, and he sees the ceiling of the lab crack, and he is barely able to dodge the giant pile of debris. Sora and the others attack, but Bob and Hector prove the faster ones against them. Kairi and Aqua and Xion send flying magical projectiles to them, but they dodge and laugh maniacally. Donald and Goofy try to attack them, but Bob and Hector knock them down before they are even able to attack. The Shadow Seeker and King Mickey try to trap them, but Bob and Hector easily ensnare them in their own trap. Terra tries his Zantetsuken technique on them, but when he finishes doing his attack, they are on the other side of the room.

Hector: It's no use to resist! We are going to defeat you!

Bob: Accept The Master as your supreme ruler, and you may be spared!

Hector: Although we don't make any promises! Hehehe!

Terra: Don't count on it! Ven, now!

Before Bob and Hector are able to react, Ventus and Vanitas launch Trish like a spear, and Trish gives Kyle a boost of speed and throws him towards the two minions, and he manages to knock them down. The Keyblade Wielders keep themselves on their toes, making sure to be ready for any other traps that might be surrounding them. As they rally together, Bob and Hector stand up, a little dazed, but recover quickly and dash towards them.

Hector: You might have caught us that time, but your no match for us!

Bob: Mowahaha! Indeed Hector, let's show these fools our true strength!

Instead of attacking, they stop the Keyblade Wielders with their Bind spell, and they start absorbing all the components of the lab like room, and they unite, and in a flash of light, they morph into one, and what the Keyblade Wielders see before their very eyes is a Gargoyle with mechanized arms and legs and wings. Everyone is shocked, and they try to break free of the Bind spell, but to no avail. Then, they hear Bob and Hector's voices in one, bone chilling distorted voice.

Gargoyle: You were wrong to underestimate us. Now you fools will learn not to meddle in our plans! The Master will take Kingdom Hearts, and reshape the world in his own image! It shall be the glorious dawn of the new world!

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