Chapter Thirteen: Escape From The Pelegostos Island

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Trish was looking all around and the only thing she could see where the strange natives. She was wondering how they would get out of this predicament. Ethan struggles to break free of his restraints, as Jack and Will argue over the compass.

Will Turner: Jack, Elizabeth is doomed to hang in the gallows because of helping you. She is sentenced to be hung by the rope.

Jack Sparrow: Ah, it seems once again you are in need of my help to save your bonny lass. But clearly as you can see mate, we are stuck.

Will Turner: Jack, the compass, that's all I need. Please give it to me.

Jack Sparrow: How do you think I can give it to you if I'm tied up.

Ethan: Guys stop arguing! We have to focus on getting out of here alive.

Trish: I think they want to cook us. We have to find out a way to escape and fast!

As they try to think of a way to escape, Ventus wanders in the Lanes Between. He remembers that he wounded The Mysterious Figure and then he appeared here.

Ventus: Great! How am I supposed to get out of here?

In an instant, Dexeres appears at his side.

Dexeres: Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine. You have unlocked your true power. I'm impressed.

Ventus: You were watching me? Why didn't you help me?

Dexeres: I wasn't watching you, I sensed your energy.

Ventus: Oh...

Dexeres: Come on, we have to get back to Radiant Garden.

Ventus: Wait, what about Ethan and Trish? I can't just leave them. We have to find them!

Seeing Ventus's determination, Dexeres opens up a portal.

Dexeres: Then let's go find them.

Ventus: Right!

Back in the Pelegostos Island, Jack comes up with a plan.

Jack Sparrow: Hey, you, boy with the attitude problem, create a diversion.

Ethan: Attitude problem! Grrr...

Trish: Listen to him, I think he knows what he's doing.

Jack Sparrow: Now that's a smart lass. Now then just scream and shout and kick a little.

Ethan: Ok? -What is this weirdo thinking to accomplish?-

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