Chapter Twenty Four: And So It Begins

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A cold and chilling air blows through Disney Castle. It's dark and gloomy, and everyone is silent, as if bearing a moment of silence for a fallen friend or loved one. Darkness covers the once cheerful world, and nothing seems to get better. Inside the castle, in the Hall of the Cornerstone, everyone's decided, and they're ready to face the dangers ahead.

King Mickey: Okay fellas, so this is what we'll do. Me, Terra and Aqua will stay here to defend the castle from any enemy that comes here. Riku, you go with Dexeres to Halloween Town and see if you can find any clues to where Sora, Donald and Goofy are. And Kyle, you'll go with Ven to Port Royal to see if we can find any trace of Maleficent or Pete.

Ventus: Got it. We won't let you down Your Majesty!

Kyle: I'll do my best, to be strong. I'll hold it together.

And as they bid farewell, they each leave to their destinations. All of them have hopes that this war will be won, but they also fear that everything will be lost. Nothing is certain, and the future is unforeseeable. But they are ready to lay their lives on the line, whatever the cost, to keep the worlds safe. Ventus summons his Keyblade and presses the switch on his shoulder to activate his armor. In a blinding flash, Ventus is clad in his armor, and his Keyblade transforms into a skateboard.

Ventus: So Kyle, you know how to ride a Keyblade?

Kyle: No, I've never ridden one before, I've never had a Keyblade...

Ventus: Ohh, that's right. Well, just hang on to me, we'll get to Port Royal in a jiff.

Kyle: Okay.

He holds onto Ventus and they soar to the heavens. In a manner of seconds, they are already in Port Royal. But when they arrive, they see something strange happening. The town is in flames! Everyone is running in panic as Giant Unborn Behemoths destroy the houses and everything that stands in their way.

Kyle: Oh no! This is terrible!!!

Ventus: Don't worry, just stick by me, and I'll protect you! Come on, let's see what's going on!

They head down the stairs of the port and head to the docks, and they see a woman in a black hood. Ventus summons his Keyblade and stares at her.

Ventus: Who are you!? Are you the one that's causing this!?

She looks back and summons her Keyblade and takes off her hood and she points her Keyblade at Kyle. A pale blue light can be noticed in Xion's eyes, as if she were in some sort of trance.

Xion: ...That boy, he has to come with me...

Kyle: Huh, me?

Xion: must come with me...and if you try to oppose me....nothing but despair will await you.

Ventus: He's not going anywhere! If you want to take him, you'll have to get through me!

Xion grins and summons giant pillars of light so that no one may enter or exit. Kyle is on the other side of the barrier, and he watches Ventus in panic.

Kyle: Ven, you're trapped!

Ventus: Don't worry Kyle, just stay there, I'll get out!

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