Chapter Forty Nine: The Final Battle Part 9: Dark Orion, Unleashed

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Everyone looks up shocked at The Master, as they see that the purple rays of light enveloping him start to swallow him whole, and then his hood is taken off, but to everyone's surprise, they don't see his face, they only see a dark silhouette. Then he laughs mockingly at them and he is swallowed completely by the purple rays, and after a few seconds, he burst out of his cocoon-like shield, and he emerges, clad in purple armor that resembles a giant dragon. Then, he looks down upon the Keyblade Wielders, towering above them with mighty force. "Now you shall all meet your end, for you have seen my true form! I am Dark Orion, gatekeeper of darkness, and the sealer of your doom!"

Kyle: We're not going to back up now! This is it guys, it's now or never!

Ventus: We can do it! We just need to believe in ourselves, and the light will guide us to victory!

Trish: Everyone, charge!!!

Everyone nods and they run towards Dark Orion, with courage and fiery determination in their hearts. They make their way through the giant silver spirals, and they start attacking him, trying to chip off his armor. But Dark Orion simply summons pillars of darkness, rising upward from the ground, with a simple wave of his hand. He knocks down several of the Keyblade Wielders, but the rest keep attacking him, trying to deal sever damage to him. Then he raises his hand upwards, and several of the silver spirals surrounding Kingdom Hearts turn into sharp blades that he unsheathes to strike down upon them. He then creates massive explosive shockwaves that send the Keyblade Wielders hurling back violently. Then the Shadow Seeker and Xion start climbing over the blades and chopping them off, and then they start to attack rapidly at Dark Orion's head. Sora, Donald and Goofy perform their Trinity Limit attack and fire a beam of light at him, and Kairi and Aqua both unite their powers to summon Phoenix, the mighty fire summon, and it uses it's Flames of Rebirth to strengthen the party and then attack Dark Orion. Dexeres and Riku both shoot darkness and twilight shards at him, and Ventus, Kyle and Trish all hurl their Keyblades to Dark Orion's shoulder pauldrons. Terra then unleashes the power of his Keyblade and shoots rock spikes, and Vanitas boosts the power of the spikes with his darkness, towards Dark Orion's chest, and then King Mickey shoots five pearls of light and combines them with the dark rock spikes to form a devastating attack. But it's not enough, as the silver spirals make the battlefield even more narrow, and Dark Orion then closes in on them.

King Mickey: Look out fellas, he's closing in on us!

Vanitas: Keep a sharp eye out, his attacks are very powerful!

Aqua: Everyone, run!

They look back, and they see a giant silver beam approaching them, and then they all start running for their lives, as the beam disintegrates everything in it's path. Dark Orion simply laughs maniacally and picks them off one by one as if they were nothing more than ants.

Dark Orion: You cannot hide little ones. Give up any hope of defeating me, for my darkness is all consuming and all powerful! You are all beneath me!

Terra: Guys, use your most powerful magic spells against that silver beam!

Everyone nods and then they all use their most potent spells, and in a glorious display of colors and devastating magic, they manage to deflect the beam right towards Dark Orion, which causes his left arm to disintegrate. Dark Orion screams in pain, and he retaliates by swooping down his right arm to them and causing them to fall harshly. He then starts to swoop his Keyblade from side to side to impale the Keyblade Wielders, but they all dodge and counterattack. Vanitas then seeps into the ground and rises up and shoots spheres of flames towards Dark Orion's chest armor, and Kyle summons the power of the Dark Light and he makes a giant circle which covers most of the battlefield, and then he concentrates all his energy and makes pillars of light to surround Dark Orion. Ventus and Trish then jump high up in the air and hurl their Keyblades at Dark Orion's head. They keep fighting him off, but no matter what they do, Dark Orion keeps getting stronger and stronger, as he makes dark acid rain on them. They are barely able to get cover from the acid rain, and after the rain dissipates, more dark pillars take them by surprise, and two Zero Graviza spheres start to draw them all in.

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