Chapter Eleven: Quest For The Compass

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In the dark of night, by the sound of the waves, screams can be heard from a prison. Screams of condemned people that might not see the light of day again. Nearby, soldiers throw coffins into the sea. Then, as one of the coffins slowly drifts away, a crow comes to look for it's meal, but is shot with a bullet. Then out of the coffin comes Jack Sparrow, the infamous pirate. He sees a skeleton by his side, and thinks of using it's arm to row the coffin.

Jack Sparrow: Mind if I use this mate?

He rips off the skeletons arm.

Jack Sparrow: Guess not.

He slowly rows the coffin until he reaches his ship, the Black Pearl.

Jack Sparrow: Ahoy there, Mr. Gibbs.

Mr. Gibbs: Did you find any treasure Jack? Is that a key you have there?

Jack Sparrow: No, much better. It is a drawing of a key. Come, gentlemen, tell me, what do keys do?

Crew Member: Keys unlock...things?

Mr. Gibbs: Ah, and whatever it is this key unlocks, we have to look for it.

Jack Sparrow: No! For what purpose will we look for the thing this key unlocks, without having the key what unlocks it?

Mr. Gibbs: Then we have to look for this key!

Jack Sparrow: Your not understanding me at all, mate.

Mr. Gibbs: So, do we have a heading?

Jack Sparrow: A heading...

He takes out his compass, trying to make out where they should go. The compass just spins and Jack himself is unsure of which direction to take.

Jack Sparrow: We go in a that way direction. Come on, snap to it!

After this he goes into his cabin.

Marty: Is it just me or is the captain acting

Mr. Gibbs: Trust me when I tell you this, what bodes ill for Jack bodes ill for us all.

Back in Port Royal, Trish, Ethan and Ventus think about what they should do next.

Ethan: Look, we don't have much time. We can't stay here, the soldiers might come back.

Trish: But we have to help those people.

Ventus: I agree. That Lord Beckett guy looks like bad news. We have to do something.

Ethan: No, we can't meddle in their affairs.

Trish: Why can't you stop thinking about that at least for once!?

Ventus: Shhhh!!! Someone's coming!

Soldier: Who are you? Stand back!

Ventus quickly follows the sound of the voice when he sees The Mysterious Figure standing there, as the soldier is stricken with fear.

Soldier: Answer me!!! Who are you!?

Mysterious Figure: I am but a stranger, passing by, but if you must know, I'm the one who will bring you death.

In a moment's notice, The Mysterious Figure pierces his dark blade at the soldier, instantly killing him.

Mysterious Figure: Ah, I sense someone nearby.

Suddenly, The Mysterious Figure appears right behind Ventus.

Mysterious Figure: You carry inmense power within you. You should prove to be of valuable use.

Trish: Stay away from him!!!

Trish strikes The Mysterious Figure with her keyblade.

Mysterious Figure: Hahah, you really thought you could kill me just like that? How pitiful. I shall have to kill you now.

Ventus: No!!!

Before The Mysterious Figure strikes Trish, Ventus gets in the way and both of them vanish in a blinding light.

Trish: Ventus!!!

Ethan: Why did he!?

Trish: No, he's gone! It can't be!

Ethan: He sacrificed himself...

Trish: Now do you see? He loves me and I love him!

Ethan: ...

Will Turner: Excuse me, who are you two?

Ethan: You were one of the people that was handcuffed earlier. How are you free?

Will Turner: I made a deal with Beckett, that I would find Jack's compass, but wait, that still doesn't answer my question. Who are you two?

Trish: He's Ethan and my name's Trish.

Will Turner: You two wield strange baldes, it reminds me of a friend I knew.

Ethan: You mean Sora?

Will Turner: Yes, that's him. You must be his friends. It's nice to meet you. But anyways, I have to go, I must not waste any more time.

Trish: Can we go with you? We are searching for a friend of ours.

Will Turner: Of course. The more the merrier.

They leave in a ship to go find Jack Sparrow, and Trish hopes in her mind that Ventus is alive.

Meanwhile, The Mysterious Figure and Ventus arrive in The Realm of Darkness.

Ventus: I won't let you hurt her!

Mysterious Figure: How touching. Too bad you can't see her now. You are trapped here.

Ventus: If I have to fight you forever, I will.

Mysterious Figure: I see you have much determination, I only wonder, how to unleash your inner darkness.

Ventus: No, I won't let you!

Mysterious Figure: Already your darkness is calling me. It is only a matter of time that you succumb to it. You can't escape your fate.

Ventus: But I can fight it!

Mysterious Figure: So that's how it's going to be...

Ventus: Strike Raid!!!

Back in Port Royal, Trish, Ethan and Will Turner prepare to search for Jack Sparrow.

Trish: So, where are we going?

Will Turner: Wherever Jack was last seen.

And Trish wonders -Where could Ventus be?- She hopes she can find him, while Ethan thinks heavily on something. What will happen next? Will they find Jack Sparrow? And will Ventus be able to escape The Realm of Darkness? Stay tuned for Chapter Twelve: Battles That Must be Fought... 

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