Chapter Twenty Five: Apocalyptic Darkness

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The air is thick and rough. The gathering clouds of smoke swirl on the sky, as Port Royal is slowly being burned to the ground. The debris of the houses and buildings collapse from the Unborn Behemoth's relentless attacks, and the villagers flee in panic. Ventus and Kyle run amongst the crowd, making their way towards the gallows, defeating Unborn along the way, also making sure they get the remaining villagers out of town before it burns down completely. Ventus and Kyle keep running, until Ventus stops in his tracks, shocked and unable to breath. Kyle wonders what's wrong, and when he stares towards what Ventus is looking, he sees Ethan holding Trish by his side.

Ethan: Well, well, well, it's been a long time Ventus...

Ventus: You traitor! Let go of Trish!

Ethan: Still trying to get a hold of her are you...? Well, I'm sorry to say, but you won't get your hands on her. Not now, not ever!

Ventus: Let her go! She doesn't deserve any of this!

Trish: Ventus, your alive!

Ventus: Trish, did Ethan hurt you!?

Trish: No, he hasn't, but he's just too mean! He changed! He's not the brother I once knew!

Ethan: ...

Ventus: I'll ask this one more time, let go of Trish or I'll have to fight you!

Kyle: Ven, are you sure you want to do this?

Ventus: Don't worry Kyle, I can take care of this, just stand back and relax, and if anything happens, just stay safe with Lunar.

Kyle: No way! If things get rough, I'll stay by your side, I won't abandon you!

Ventus allows himself a heartwarming smile.

Ventus: Thanks, that means a lot.

Kyle: Your welcome. You're my best friend. You rescued me and you helped me get back on my feet.

Ventus: Right! Best friends, to the end!

Ethan: Hmph, how touching. Are you done now?

Ventus: Grrr...let Trish go!

Ethan: If you want her, come and fight me!

Ventus sees the town continually burning down and then gets his gaze back at Ethan.

Ventus: Kyle, douse the fire while I take care of Ethan!

Kyle: Right!

Ethan summons his Keyblade and throws Trish out of harm's way and creates a barrier so that no one may pass. Trish is unable to do nothing, and she watches in sadness as she sees them, not knowing if they will even come out alive of this battle. Ventus just grins and summons his Keyblade and prepares for battle. Ethan stares at Trish, his eyes filled with the hatred that he feels towards Ventus.

Ethan: Don't worry sis, I'll kill him and you'll see once and for all that I was right.

Trish: No! Don't kill him! I love him!

Ethan: See...? Even now he has you so ensnared that he's making you believe that he loves you.

Ventus: I do love her! And I'm going to knock some sense into you so you can see all that you've done!

Trish: Ven!

Ethan: You can try!

Ethan laughs in a sinister way and he disappears quickly and reappears and starts to strike Ventus with his Keyblade. Ventus dodges and blocks his attacks and counterattacks, but shows restraint so he doesn't hurt Ethan too badly. "There's still good in him, I can sense it, he's just misguided.", he thought to himself. Ethan runs at lightning fast speeds and casts multiple axes made of stone and water knives. Ventus cleverly dodges them all and uses his Strike Raid attack to break the stone axes. Ethan smiles and fires long beams of darkness. Ventus jumps and rides each beam and strikes Ethan quickly. Ventus uses his Fever Pitch attack to weaken Ethan, but it's no use! Ethan just laughs maniacally as Ventus starts to get weary.

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