Chapter One

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My vision's too blurred. I can't see. I could hear everything, all the different noises. I could even smell the air. The familiar copper scent of fresh blood. It's close, and fresh.

    "Can you see in front of you? Where are your hands?" Someone asked. My hands? I lifted them, blinking threw my blurred vision still. Red. All I see is red.

    "Macy, what's in front of you?" The same person spoke again. I hear more noises. So much damn noise. Screams, alarms, and multiple people yelling. Shut up. Shut up.

    "Macy. In front of you." They reminded me. In front of me? What's so important? I blinked more, seeing it finally. A body. My classmate. She's covered in her own blood, isn't she?

    "Is it Janie Anne?" They asked. Yes. It's her alright. Fuck, I still can't help but hate her. How evil of me.

    "Macy, what else do you see?" Why do they keep asking me things? The only one with me is my friend, Darkness. He's been my friend since I started seeing him when I was young. He killed Janie Anne. Killed her and framed me. That's what happened, but why do I have blood on my hands?

    What is this? Where am I?! I need to get out. I know what happened.

    "Macy." A voice snapped me out of it. I launched up, out of breath. I could feel the cold sweat on my forehead. Damn, she tricked me into it again.

    "Are you alright?" My therapist asked me. Jill Mackle is known to be very good at her job, which is treating patients for the criminally insane. It's a good thing I like her, otherwise I would have been sent to somewhere states away.

    "Wanna talk about what you saw this time?" Jill asked me calmly. I was still breathing heavily, why was this dream different? I sat up, slumping my back against the couch.

    "It's the same, blood everywhere, Darkness beside me." I told her, she'll know I'm lying anyway. Jill smirked, uncrossing her legs so that she could stand up. She looks like a fun gal, always has fun accessories and colorful clothes.

    "You mentioned something different. You mentioned the word 'Evil'." Jill told me. Right, I do remember that. I just shrugged. Like I'll understand anything anyway.

        "Macy, are you going to group?" Jill came over to sit next to me.

    "It's a waste of time!"

    "We talked about this. I'm giving you one more chance to go on your own free will." She threatened me. Scoffing, I stood up. She's made it clear with me if I need to leave a session early I can.

    "Macy." Jill stopped me, "Remember the daily reminder." I wanted to leave, but Jill would be upset with me.

    "Darkness is not my friend." I spat out. Jill stayed silent as I left her office.

    I've been at Willbrooke for almost 2 months now. I hate everything about it. Jill is just here to help treat me, specifically with helping me remember that day.

    Janie Anne was murdered that day. I was there, covered in her blood. Nobody listened to me when I tried to tell them I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. That immediately got me sentenced guilty and sent here. I made my way back to my room, good thing my roommate Chelsea was somewhere else. I just wanted to sleep. I got told I do that too often here if you could believe it.

    "She's lying to you" Darkness formed in the corner of the room. He always just barely forms into a silhouette of a person but never fully.

    "Not everyone is lying to me." I argued back. He may have been there since I was a kid, but damn he can be a bit much.

    "They are all liars! All of them are deceiving you!!" He started to yell. I pushed my pillow over my ears. He gets so loud. I can't think with it!

    "Macy! Are you done with Dr. Jill already?" Chelsea strolled in. Great, no quiet.

    "Wasn't in the mood." I turned my back, covering up with the blanket. Chelsea can be good company, but she's got multiple personality disorder. First time I met her she punched me in the face and gave me a black eye.

    "Want some of my candy?" Her face hovered over me. Must be a good day for her. I sat up in bed, letting her pour some wrapped candies in my hand.

        "I won the trivia game! You should come to the next one." She beamed, sitting on my bed to eat candy with me.

    "Can't be trusted." Darkness commented. I shot a glare at him, earning a confused look from Chelsea. I didn't tell her about Darkness, or why I'm here. She hasn't told me why she's here either. It's like we have an understanding of minding our own business with our history.

"They are doing bingo tomorrow. Come with me?" Chelsea tilted her head, like she was trying to give me puppy eyes. I can't understand why she tries to be friends with me, I've been told I'm unapproachable. 

"I'll think about it." I told her, watching Darkness slowly disappear.

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