Chapter Sixty-Five

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I felt myself gain consciousness, flinching at all the bright lights. Fuck, did I pass out?

I remember Glen carrying me to the car, while I demanded to be taken to Swan Rivers.

Sitting up turned out to be more painful than I thought, everywhere hurts. I'm clearly in the hospital, an IV in my arm.

"Oh, hey, lay back down." Glen rushed into the room, stopping me from getting up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna check in, I wanted to see if he was here." I started to explain to Glen, letting him tuck me back in.

"Shush little needle. I'm taking care of everything. Rest." Glen closed my eyes, quickly darting out of the room before I could see him. What a goof.

Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to disobey him. Nothing was done to my feet, so they must be in good condition.

I carefully pulled the needle out of my arm, instead of idiots in movies always ripping it out. I stole a bandaid, quickly grabbing my clothes that sat perfectly folded on a chair.

I wonder if they got washed, they felt soft when I got dressed. Smelled nice and fresh too.

Zipping my bones jacket up, I caught a glimpse of myself in a little mirror.

I looked awful. My nose was broken and bandaged up, bruising the entire center of my face along with minor cuts. I assume I hurt my right wrist, since it was in a brace.

At least I can walk, I peeked out the door, looking back and forth for Glen.

He stood at the end of the hall, talking to an officer! Turning opposite, I darted the other way. Jack is here, he has to be. How long has it been? Could he be ok?

What area am I even in?! Focus, think, when he checked him he definitely gave a fake name.

And I know exactly the name he'd use.

The desk lady smiled sweetly at me as I approached with my hands folded together innocently.

"Is there a Gene Yuss here?"

"Let me look." She typed on her computer, and I glanced to see Glen still talking with his back to me.

"Room 5B, that's upstairs." She pointed. I smiled sweetly, nodding back. The elevator was near me, so I ducked in, pushing the next floor.

As the door began to close, a hand stopped it.

Hugo barged in, making me push the button again.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" He asked me.

"I'll sleep later." I told him, holding back a growing yawn. Hugo shrugged, not arguing with me.

The door dinged, opening. I marched, quickly reading room numbers till I found the right one.

The door was open, showing me Jack sitting on the hospital bed. He heard me breath loudly in relief, his eyes going wide.

"Thank fucking god, you're fine." He sighed. I laughed, feeling the tears still.

"Ah, this is the fool that nearly got you killed." Hugo shoved past me, closing the door. I stepped aside, watching Hugo lean down to get in Jack's face.

"How did you explode the house?" He asked for me. I've been going through dozens of scenarios, trying to figure it out. Jack stared back at Hugo with a bored look.

"Learned very quickly not to throw shit in a boiler room." Jack turned away from Hugo looking at me,

"I was pissed, accidently broke the gas line when I threw something."

I saw his leg wrapped in a cast, minor cuts as well as a giant black eye. He sat on the edge of the bed, like he was gonna attempt to get up. A wheelchair was folded up by me.

"Can I talk to him alone?" I asked Hugo, who obeyed without a second thought. Now it's just me and Jack.

"Are you telling the truth?" I asked, standing by the wheelchair. He can beg me to bring it to him.

"Yes. I'm not that stupid to blow up the place, it could have killed both of us." Jack sighed, staring at his scuffed hands. Regardless of how he survived, I'm thrilled he's ok.

"Do you know where Aaron is?" I asked him, earning his gaze.

"Haven't talked to him since you took off. I actually asked him to tell me if he gets a hold of you."

I do remember Aaron mentioning this, he wasn't kidding.

"Will you help me find him?" I asked before Jack looked away.

"Why? Gonna run off with him?" He tilted his head, teasing me.

"I'm thinking of letting my gang take care of him. Once and for all." I shrugged, sounding stupid as I said it outloud.

"About that," Jack had to push off the bed, turning to me, "How the fuck did you join a gang?!"

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