Chapter Seventy-One

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After hours of driving non stop, Glen pulled into an abandoned parking lot of an abandoned daycare center. I really hoped for Aaron's sake he wouldn't have been that young. He was younger than me when I killed Sherry if that's the case.

    "Stay hidden." I told Glen. He nodded, but grabbed my arm before I got out of the car,

        "Be safe, please." He pleaded. I nodded,

    "I promise." He let go of me, and I walked to the dark doors.

    Aaron already texted me he was here waiting, but where? I made Glen hide the car in the back parking lot, by the trees, and there are no other cars.

    I swear if he scares me I'm shooting him.

    I reached to the door, hesitating before grabbing the knob.

    "Sunshine." He spoke from behind me, startling me. Aaron looked unfazed, actually he had no emotion.

    Aaron pushed around me, opening the door. He then backed up so I could go in first. How chivalrous. Once we both got inside, Aaron pulled out a small flashlight. He turned it on before handing it to me.

    "Thanks." I mumbled, looking around the small lobby. Aaron pulled out another flashlight, turning it on so he could lead the way.

    There was so much abandoned here. Books, toys, crayons. I wonder how awful it must have been to leave everything.

    It's never good when it involves children. It made me sick to my stomach seeing all the small toys and terrible drawings on the walls.

    Now that I think about it, children usually start school at age 6. Me and Jack were enrolled at 7 because we supposably caught a nasty illness.

    Sherry died in July, that's why we enrolled late.

    Aaron stopped in front of a room, taking a breath before entering with me right behind him.

    It was a small playroom, my heart broke more seeing the small cubbies and chairs.

    "This was Mr. Charge's room, me and Ethan's daycare teacher." Aaron told me, not looking around. He stood still, staring numbly ahead by the door.

        "We were both 4, when he started working here. His real name was Charlie, he just preferred Mr. Charge for his own ego."

    "Oh no." I let out, he was so young. I don't think I even found out how old Aaron is.

    "How old are you?" I asked quietly.

    "23, born 1987." Aaron answered, snapping out of his daze to look at me. I did the math in my head, I wasn't even born yet since I was born 1992. Aaron took a moment to gaze around the room.

    "God knows what we did to earn his attention, but after he took an interest he'd have me and Ethan stay in for recess. Most of the time he only grabbed one of us, it was always better when we got to go together." Aaron continued to tell me.

    He looked out the large window, but it's so dark out now I couldn't see anything. Aaron took a deep breath, turning away.

        "I'm sure you can guess what he was doing to us." Aaron looked at me, waiting for an answer. I nodded, doesn't take a genius to figure it out, especially after knowing what happened to me.

    I can tell he had it much rougher than me.

    "One day, I was just so sick of it. Sick of the fear, the way he smiled smugly at us." Aaron continued, walking over to the wall full of children's drawings.

        "I fucking, hated how much he smiled at us." Aaron quickly ran his hand over the wall, tearing off the drawings. I stepped back, expecting him to destroy anything now.

    "I tried to tell my parents, but you met them." Aaron turned to me, and it scared me how much I couldn't read him.

        "Dad talked to Charlie, and somehow he convinced my own father I was lying, that I just wanted more attention. I ruined any chances of helping Ethan after that." Aaron chuckled, "If only he talked to his parents first, they couldn't have been more supportive."

It pained me more, no wonder he's messed up.

"So I decided it would be a genius idea," Aaron looked away from

me, stepping over to a kiddie table, "To take matters in my own hands, since all the adults failed us!" Aaron kicked the table, knocking over the small chairs.

    I stepped back, smacking the wall by the door. I need to relax, I wasn't in a good mind space either when I found out. Aaron took a couple of deep breaths, calling himself down.

        "I just wanted to scare him, really I didn't mean anything more." Aaron's voice got so quiet, I almost had to step closer.

    "That day, Charlie picked Ethan. I could tell, Ethan was so close to losing it, he couldn't take it any more." Aaron told me, stepping back, he lifted his hands to pretend his flashlight was a gun.

        "I pointed my dad's gun at him, telling him to leave us alone." Aaron stayed in that pose, processing his own words. I tried to imagine the scenario as he told me, baby Aaron and Ethan looking terrified against a giant faceless man.

    "I fired accidentally, spooking him enough for me and Ethan to run away." Aaron lowered the flashlight, going to the door. I followed him back to the hallway.

    "We both were scared shitless, I didn't know what else to do but hide." Aaron slowed down, leading me to another playroom. He stepped in, freezing his light on a cabinet closet.

    "This is where we hid." Aaron confirmed. I looked around the room, gasping at the back wall covered in blood! Did no one ever clean it up?!

        "He found us, I got scared and accidently fired again. Kill shot, right here." Aaron pointed to his heart, shining his light on the bloody wall. I stepped back in disgust.

"I protected Ethan, like I promised while we were hiding." Aaron glanced his light to the cabinet they hid in.

"Would you believe my parents were more repulsed by me? Dad

was so disappointed in me for numerous reasons."  Aaron mentioned. I felt even more bad for him, at least my family is very supportive enough to kill for me.

        "It wasn't your fault." I told him. He didn't respond, just looked at the bloody wall, reliving the scene in his mind I'm sure.

    "How dare I let him touch me, how dare I kill a respected teacher. Can count how many times dad said that." Aaron turned to me, a small fake smile on his face with sad eyes.

    Poor Aaron, he wasn't born a monster, only made into one.

    Wait, what is wrong with me? What happened to him years ago shouldnt excuse him carving into me or all the other shit he's done.

    "How do you deal, knowing what happened to you?" I asked finally, afraid of his answer. Aaron chuckled,

        "I have my ways, very wrong ways, but they work enough for me." Aaron winked at me.

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