Chapter Sixty-Two

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We really do belong at the bottom of that lake. Right with Aunt Sherry's remains.

Jack ran back into the room, looking sweaty.

"We need to leave right now." Jack gestured for me to follow. I stepped back, holding a hand up while reaching into my bag.

"What are you talking about?"

"We really don't have time, come with me now!" Jack yelled, stepping closer.

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you, I don't trust you!" I stepped back, nearly bumping into the large window. The lake literally sat right by it, making me feel more uneasy.

"Stop acting like a fucking child, and get outside!!" Jack screamed at me.

Then the loudest boom I ever heard, sent me flying out the window. I felt the glass shatter around me, falling hard in the water.

It's dark!! I can't see with so many bubbles around me! I felt my toes nearly sink into muddy sand, getting solid enough for me to tip toe!

The water froze around me, I could feel the icicles forming under my nose as I moved as fast as I could, falling on grass.

What the hell, just happened? My body felt so sore, it hurt craning my neck to look up.

The entire lake house, was engulfed in flames!! No, this is what Jack was doing!? What was he thinking?!

The tape!

Thankfully, my side bag barely hung on. I don't know if the gun would work after being in water, I just need the tape to live.

I shook the water out, thank heavens. It's ok.

I'm soaked, my clothes froze against my body. I could just barely feel the fire from where I am.

Blood dripped on my hand, from my face? I did go out the window, hopefully I don't have any internal injuries.

The lake house burned. The fire rising so high in the sky followed by thick smoke. Fire crept from all the windows now, burning the house faster. The light rain did nothing as it showered the house.

Why, why did he do this?

What if I wasn't next to the window, was he prepared to die with

me? I looked around the lake, seeing pieces of the house floating. He's fine, he can swim.

But, he wasn't near the window like I was.


"Macy!!!!!" A voice screamed for me, deeper than Jack's. SIlvanto? He's still here? He didn't leave?

My limbs burned so much, forcing myself to stand up. I had to take my outer coat off, it's too heavy. My bones jacket stuck to me, freezing with the wind.

"Macy!!!!! Please! Speak!!" Silvanto screamed again. I would buddy, but my chest aches enough trying to breathe.

I stepped around carefully, trying to duck under the flames. The smoke pushed me at once, causing me to cough so hard, my lungs burning!

I wanna go home.

I made it to the front, seeing the car still parked. The driver's door was open, he's probably running around looking for me.

Sitting in the car, I pushed the horn. After a moment, Silvanto came back from the trees.

"Macy!! Are you ok!? What happened?" Silvanto ran to me, cupping my face. I felt my face scrunch up, crying again. Silvanto pulled me into his arms, hugging me while rubbing my wet back.

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