Chapter Sixty-One

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Jack has always been an enemy. I've been so blinded to notice it. He stared at me, with a tilted face and a brow raised. Not understanding me.

I kept a death grip on the tape, he'll actually have to kill me for it.

"Was it not enough?" Jack shrugged. I felt even more nauseous, the bile rising up my throat.

"Is there more?" I asked, standing completely still. Jack nodded to the ceiling. The attic, he did try to burn everything, maybe there was stuff left.

"You go get it." I told Jack, watching his hands more than his face. Jack sighed, stepping out of the room. I followed him, setting the tap on the desk without him noticing. Darkness even followed close, nuzzling against my back.

Jack stepped up the ladder to the attic, and Darkness started to scream at me.

"Kill him kill him kill him, KILL HIM KILL HIM!!!"

I'm not killing my brother.

"EVIL, VILE, FILTH, KILLER!" Darkness shrieked at me, I covered both of my ears, crying more. Why won't he shut up?!

Darkness followed me as I turned around, screaming the same things.

"Shut up!!!" I cried, I hate the noise. It's loud!

My knife, I can cut my eardrums out! Yeah, then it'll finally be quiet. I don't want to hear anymore.

I pulled my small knife out, switching the shiny blade out. I brushed my hair aside, digging the blade into my ear.

"Try screaming now, bitch." I let out a nervous laugh, feeling blood pool out of my ear as I dug the knife more. White hot pain, scorched my ear, my head. It'll be worth it, it'll be nice, and quiet.

"Macy!" Jack grabbed my wrist, ripping my knife away. No, I was so close, so close to peace.

"Macy!" Jack slapped my face, forcing me to look at him.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked me, looking a tad worried for a second. How funny, he's such a great actor, fooling me for our entire lives.

"Get the fuck off me." I shoved him, wiping the blood off my ear.

"You wanted to know, I tried to stop you." Jack spat back at me, like he was offended. I stared at my hands, refusing to look at him.

"Fine, you fucking brat." Jack stood up, stomping away from me. I quickly took back my pocket knife, storing it back in my pants.

Did he leave? Silvanto won't let him go unless I say so. I stood up, the noise is gone?

I grabbed the tape, stuffing it in my bag with the gun.

Then I had an odd feeling, where did Jack run off too?

I got to the living room, looking out the large window, a perfect view of the death lake.

I remember now, why I nearly drowned when I was 13

"Have you been near the closet at the back of the house?"

"Huh? There's a closet there?" I tilted my head at him. He nodded his head back for me to follow. He's right, at the back of the house there's a thin outline to a back closet.

"Ok? We gonna smoke now?" I pointed to the hall.

"You don't remember? Nothing about it rings a bell?" Jack asked me, looking hopeful.

"If I did I wouldn't ask." He's pissing me off too much. Jack turned his head to hide smile.

"Nevermind it. Let's go." He ushered me down the hall. Now I'm a little curious, why is he happy I don't remember some dumb closet? Is there some secret in there?

After lunch I went to the closet. What's so special about it? When I pushed the door open, it surprised me how big it was. It's gotta be the biggest one in the house next to the master bedroom.

I had to reach up to pull the string, turning on the light.

That was the worst mistake.

I know this closet. I know it really well. How do I know it? I felt my breathing pick up, am I hyperventilating?

This closet, something very bad happened.

It scares me, I feel so, small?

Macy Lacy

No, no.

I'm a vile person. Filthy.


The dark? I don't like the dark. I stepped out of the closet, I can't think. My feet moved, going outside. The large lake, it's right there.

Something awful happened. I belong at the bottom of this lake.

My bare feet stepped down the dock. The dark water stared back.


Loud, high pitch screams. Are they mine?

I can't be near this lake!

My foot skipped, and I fell in the freezing water.

Bubbles surrounded me as I thrashed, I don't wanna be here!! I didn't mean it!! I can't swim, it's so dark, I can't see!!!!

My limbs felt drained, I can't keep moving.

I felt my arms yank up. Someone grabbed me, pulling me up!! Once I rose above the water, I was thrown on the shore, coughing up gross lake water.

"Are you insane!?! What were you thinking?!" Jack screamed next to me, soaked.

"I didn't mean to." Tears burned my eyes, but I never cry. I've never been a crier. The waves touched my feet, making me flinch back. I crawled to get away from the shore, going for the grass before Jack pulled me to stand by my arm.

"Mace?" He grabbed my face, studying me.

"I didn't mean to." I cried.

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