Chapter Twenty-Five

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Ethan stayed parked, right by the public library. Dani confiscated the phone I had earlier, so Ethan let me use his phone.

After I talked to Jack, I learned he started to drive here after getting off the phone with me earlier. So Ethan stayed so I could wait in the car.

The wait was killing me. Jack can finally tell me what happened, I'll finally have the whole picture.

"Who did he kill?" Ethan suddenly asked. He hasn't spoken this whole time, looking depressed.

"A kid named Caleb. The one he-"

"Beat with a hammer. That fucker." Ethan mumbled, reaching up to rub his eyes.

"What, exactly is the promise you guys had?" I asked, wanting his version.

"That we both would always stick to what's right, and never kill anyone ever again."

"What?" Aaron technically didn't lie to me, but why did he leave that last part out? Ethan sighed, rubbing his face. He really is exhausted.

Then his phone started ringing. Fuck, could it be Aaron? If it is

I'm so screwed. He'll find a way to track us, he'll find me.

Ethan looked at the screen, before handing it to me.

Aaron is calling him!

"Take it, just tell him I took you to get food or something." Ohh, he wants me to lie for him. I feel bad, Ethan looks so sad. I probably should have told him, but then again how else could I have convinced him to take me here.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where are you guys?"

"I wanted food, I hounded Ethan to take me somewhere. We'll be back home soon." I glanced around, I don't wanna accidentally miss Jack.

"Did she hurt you badly, Sunshine? I found an interesting photo on her phone."

"No, she just roughed me up. I'm ok."

"Well, I'm glad. Is Ethan ok? Why didn't he answer?" Aaron asked me, in between sentences he sounded like he was doing something while grunting. He has to be moving Dani's body.

"Ethan, is getting the food. Left his phone in the car." I lied.

Ethan actually looked slightly relieved.

"See you guys at home."

I handed Ethan his phone back, just as a car pulled up.

Jack stepped out.

I ran to him, letting him give me a bear hug. For the first time in a while, I feel safe. Jack will always look out for me.

"Whose that?" He asked, letting me go.

"A friend, come on we gotta go." Jack nodded, opening his car door. Wait, I can't leave yet.

"One sec!" I ran back over to Ethan. He rolled the window down as I came over to the driver's side.

"Thank you, for saving me back there, and for driving me here." I reached in, giving him a side hug.

"I'm not gonna lie to him later. So both of you get the hell out of dodge." He whispered. Man, he really refuses to lie to Aaron. I really wanna know what happened between them.

But that doesn't concern me anymore, Jack is here now. I waved bye to Ethan, turning back to my brother.

"Let's go," He smiled, nodding to the car.

"Not yet. I wanna know what happened first." Given how long it'll take for Ethan to get home and tell Aaron, we should still be long gone by then.

"On the way, get in." Jack pointed to the car this time.

"I'm not moving a muscle until you tell me. I'm serious, Jack. This has been eating me for too long. I need to know what happened."

"Mace, we can discuss this on the way home." Jack stood his ground.

"You don't understand how much this means to me. It's a matter of how insane I am! What happened!?" I didn't mean to yell, even though it's close to 3 am, there's plenty of people out.

"Fucking hell." Jack slammed the car door shut, marching over to me.

"What, do you want me to recite the whole day or something?" He put his hands on his hips, getting annoyed. I notice we are matching, I'm wearing his red and black plaid I had stolen, and he's got the dark green and black one on.

"Yes, actually. I've done so many sessions with Jill trying to remember it, please Jack. Tell me everything." I begged him, watching him finally give in.

"After school, you watched Janie Anne's newest video she posted. Where she basically bad mouthed you." He started to tell me.

"You ran out of your room, when I asked what happened, all you said was you needed to kill her. So I told you to go ahead."

"What? Why did you let me leave?" Jack waved me off, ignoring my question.

"You grabbed one of the kitchen knives. I followed you outside. You ran to Janie Anne's house, using a shortcut. I followed you around to the patio. You pounded on the door until she came out."

"Jack." I think I'm actually gonna cry. I could hear the next words he was about to say. 

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