Chapter Twenty-Six

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I killed Janie Annie.

    "You didn't let her speak, you started stabbing her the second she stepped outside." Jack continued. "Once you calmed down, I tried to help."

    "The fuck do you mean help? Why would you let me kill her?!" I whispered, we're still in public.

    "I kept telling you to follow me, to hide the knife. But you were in too much of a daze, it's like you didn't know I was there. I had to take off when the neighbor saw you."

    "I don't understand, Jack." I nearly choked, there's no way he's telling the truth.

    "Well then get in the car, I'll explain more." He grabbed my elbow, pulling me to the car.

        "No! I don't understand! Why the fuck would you want me to kill someone!? Why were you trying to help me cover it up?" Nothing makes sense! It's hurting my head trying to understand.

    "Macy, I will literally start explaining the fucking second you get in that car. Are you wanting Aaron to show up or something?!" Jack carefully glanced around. Stalling is the worst thing I could be doing right now. If Aaron catches us, he'll probably kill Jack.

    "Don't tell me you actually wanna go back to him. Look at what he's been doing to you!" Jack reached out, gently touching my sore cheek.

        "Aaron didn't do this, some other bitch did. I don't want to go back to him-"

    "Great, get in the fucking car." Jack grabbed my arm, pulling me to the passenger side. Fine, but he better explain on the way. I buckled in, looking around. I wonder what would happen if Aaron shows up, how awful of me to think like that.


    I must have fallen asleep at some point, cause I woke up seeing the sunrise, and my neck felt stiff. Jack was still driving, having the radio off.

    "Where are we?" I sat up, rubbing my eyes red.

    "About an hour from home."

    "Are you turning me in?" As I asked that, Jack gave me an offended look,

        "Of course not. Dad sent me to bring you home, not back to Willbrooke."

    "Dad?" I never thought my dad would break the law like that, he's always the strict type. Except for his drug stash that I often take from.

    "We all know you don't belong in a place like Willbrooke. You belong home." Jack smiled at me.

        "What's the long run? I stay isolated in the attic?" I watched out the window, the sunrise is very pretty to look at.

    "Cross the bridge when we get there, meaning dad wouldn't tell me until you were back home." He explained.

    "Fine, then you can start telling me more about that day." Jack sighed, he probably hoped I forgot.

    "There's, so much that you don't know." Jack whined.

    "Then start with why you let me kill Janie Anne." I turned, watching his face.

        "Fine, you needed to kill someone. I know you, and then we'd be the same again." Jack refused to look at me, keeping his eyes on the road.

    "Be the same again." I mumbled. "Who did you kill?"

    "If I tell you, promise you won't be mad?" He finally glanced at me.

        "Who did you kill Jack?"


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