Chapter Twenty-Four

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Dani tied me up on the floor. She stayed in the room, doing something on her phone for a good while before interacting with me again.

"So, what did you do? To make him fall for you?" She asked me, already looking pissed with whatever I could say.

"I wish I knew." Dani stomped over, landing a hard kick at my chest. I coughed violently. Fuck that hurt!! It hurts so much to breathe.

"I know who you are. Macy Vang." Dani grabbed my shirt, lifting me to sit up against the wall.

"You stab a girl in broad daylight, and he's in love? It doesn't make sense!"

"Maybe because you're kinda a bitch?" It was a terrible idea to provoke her, earning a hard slap. My neck stun, and I tasted blood. She slapped me again.

"I'm better anyway." She mumbled. I can't believe I was stupid enough to believe her. She stood up, hearing her phone go off. Her mood immediately changed, smiling big.

"Aaron will see, I'm clearly the better fit."

"What the fuck? Are you people really that delusional?" I may have issues, but at least I'm not that crazy.

"I'm going to kill you, silly. Since that's what he likes." Dani tapped away on her phone.

"Care to fill me in then? About his eventful past?" I asked, hoping she would tell me.

"You don't deserve to know." Dani marched over to me, grabbing my chin. She snapped a pic with her phone, letting go of me.

"You're not seriously gonna send him that, are ya?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Dani grabbed my chin again, pulling my face up.

"If there is a single mark on me that he didn't do himself, he's gonna lose his shit." I started laughing. "He's gonna kill you."

Dani blinked at me, letting go of me and quickly leaving the room.


Dani taped my mouth, throwing me into a closet near the dining room. I guess she wants me to hear everything. My wrists burned from the zip ties, and the ones tying my legs together made moving around more difficult.

Doesn't help that the closet is kinda small. Maybe kicking around could make enough noise. If Aaron is willing to help me.

"He's here." I heard Dani skip to the door, I could see a tiny crack in the door, she changed into a short black dress.

Well, at least I can watch.

Dani opened the door, letting Aaron inside. Right away I could tell he's not in a good mood. He's very tense, walking carefully while watching Dani's every move.

"Do pray tell, what this is about?" Aaron asked her, looking around as he walked into a different room where I couldn't see.

"Well, I have a little confession." I heard Dani talking. Ew, she's gonna confess her feelings like this. How cliche.

"I-I'm in love with you." Dani told him. There was silence, a long awkward silence.

"Aaron? Did you hear me?"

Oof, too bad I can't see her face right now.

"I heard you. Loud and clear." Aaron started walking closer. I watched him walk across the dining room, looking around carefully.

He paused on the closet I'm in. I really should signal that I'm in here, but I really wanna see this go down.

"Let me ask you something, Danielle." Aaron spat, turning around to nervous Dani.

I saw her eyes dart at me, she's terrified he's gonna find me, how amusing.

"Where is she?"

"She? Who are you talking about?" Dani chuckled, rushing over to him.

"It's just us here, we can have some alone time!" Dani tied, but Aaron stood still, narrowing his eyes.

"Do you think I'm stupid? When my front door unlocks, the security camera is activated. I watched you take off with her." Aaron took a step, getting in Dani's face, "Now tell me where the fuck she is. Right now."

Ohhhhhhh, she fucked now.

Dani stood still, probably too scared to move. Aaron stepped back, turning to head back into the other room where I couldn't see. Dani slowly followed him.

"You dumb fucking whore." I heard Aaron, and then silence. What's happening?

"Macy? Where are ya?" I heard someone whisper, sounding very familiar.

Ethan stalked into the dining room. I kicked the door, earning his attention. He opened the closet, relieved to see me.

"How badly are you hurt?" Ethan asked, taking a pocket knife out to cut the zip ties. I ripped the tape off my mouth,

"I'm ok."

"Come on, we're going out the back." I followed Ethan, looking for the room I heard them go in. Ethan snatched my arm, pulling me out the back door.

"What's going on? He's gonna kill her, right?" I asked, regretting wording it that way. I sound like I want him to kill her. I mean, I kinda do.

"Let's just get you back, you need some rest." Ethan led me around to the street. I stopped, this is my only chance to go meet Jack.

"Ethan, will you help me?" I grabbed his arm. He turned around, and I could see how exhausted he was. His glasses covered the bags under his eyes, but his hair was a mess.

"I don't wanna get involved in this shit. I was starting to get better!" Ethan opened the car door to the backseat.

"Please, hear me out."

"About what?!" He snapped.

"Take me to meet my brother. He'll help me, I'll be out of your hair! That's good, right? I know it bothered you when I was around." I glanced back at the house, hoping he takes a while.

"Macy, you don't understand, I can't betray him." Ethan rubbed his face.

"Then give me the keys! You can tell him I tricked you or something."

"Are you out of your mind? That's still betraying him, I can't do that!" Ethan yelled.

"He's killed people." I told him. Ethan stopped, blinking at me.

"He broke your guy's promise, so this isn't betraying him." I felt bad telling him, Ethan's entire mood dropped more. He looks so depressed.

I looked back at the house, not hearing anything. Could he be done?

"Fine." Ethan mumbled,

"Where do you need to go?"

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