Chapter Thirty-Two

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Dad texted Jack that he wasn't returning till tomorrow, so Jack is staying the night.

So I waited until bedtime, to really see what I grabbed. Jack went to bed an hour after me, hopefully he's asleep. He's in the room next to me, so as long as I'm quiet he shouldn't hear me.

After changing into pajamas, I grabbed whatever I took.

It was a small pile of photos. Ones I've never seen before. Some had me and Jack playing, one of us as a family, and one of me and Jack's lake house room. No one was in the room, why would anyone keep this one?

The last one made me freeze. It was a photo of mom, dad, uncle Rio, and lastly a woman.

I've seen her before, but this doesn't feel right.

The more I stared at the woman, the bigger the pit in my stomach got.

Who is she? How do I know her but also not know her? This is confusing. What does it mean?! Why am I freaking out?

I can't fucking breathe. I'm terrified.

The room feels like it was shrinking, I can't see well.

"Jack!!" I tried screaming, feeling myself fall off the bed. Hands caught me, holding me up.

"Are you ok?" Someone asked me, not Jack.

"I can't breathe, I-I cant , I feel like I'm gonna pass out." I told, feeling myself hyperventilate. They rubbed my back, wrapping themselves around me.

"Listen to my heart, ok? It's calm, just breathe with me." I clung onto them, pressing against a hard chest. Their heart, is beating so softly.

"There you go, just relax. You're safe, Sunshine."


He's here.

He's hugging me.

He's warm.

"Just keep breathing, I'm here." He softly spoke, it sounds off compared to his usual tone. I felt his hand caress my arm, while his other hand rubbed my back.

"What caused that?" I whispered, what if I woke Jack?

"Did you see something triggering? Something that hurt you?" Aaron asked gently, not releasing me.

The photo.

I pushed him off, looking on the floor where I dropped the photos.

"I don't understand this one." I grabbed it, letting Aaron see it.

"I don't know the woman on the right, but," I gave the photo to Aaron, he shielded it away while looking at it. I saw him flip it over, reading the back,

"'Mona, Gio, Rio, and Sherry. 1998."


"Aunt Sherry."

"Something bad happened with Sherry." I felt so dizzy. Aaron caught me again, this time lifting me to lay in bed. He took all the photos, shoving them in his leather jacket pocket.

"Go to sleep, Sunshine. I'll be right here." I had already closed my eyes before he sat on the bed.

"I'm right here, Sunshine."


Blood. So much fucking blood. Why is it always blood?

I snapped awake. I'm still in the room, except Aaron isn't here. Did I dream all that? Wouldn't put it past me, but the photos were real. Where did Aaron go?

I tiptoed out of my room to look in Jack's. He's not there.

Fuuck, I do not like this.

What if Aaron hurt Jack? How did Aaron find me?

I hurried to the living room, seeing blood on the floor.

"Oh fuck. Jack!!" I hollered. Following the blood trail is probably the worst idea ever, especially when it leads outside.

The sun was rising, and it was chilly.

"Jack!" I screamed. I walked down the path, stopping the second I saw the large lake.

I don't know why, but I didn't realize until now how dark the water really is.

"Jack!!?" I walked back to the front of the house, seeing two cars. Jack's, and an unfamiliar one.

So Aaron is here?

A car suddenly started pulling up.

"Dad!" I waved at him, trying to signal him to hurry. Dad quickly got out of the car, marching at me.

"What are you doing outside?" He grabbed my arm, pulling back inside.

"Ow!!! I couldn't find Jack." I ripped my arm away, dad whipped his head at me, looking terrified.

"What do you mean you can't find him?"

"What else could I mean?" I mumbled, turning away. Dad got his phone out, calling Jack I think.

"Mornin' Mr. Vang." We heard, as someone charged dad from around the corner.


Dad shoved him off, swinging at him. Aaron barely ducked away, slamming against the counter. He smiled,

"Come on, dad. Don't be like that." He teased, dodging quickly as Dad swung at him.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot." he winked at me, quickly ducking away. I backed up as much as I could, dad will definitely beat his ass.

Then the front door slammed open, and Jack ran in. The second dad turned to Jack, Aaron grabbed the coffee maker.

Before I could say anything, Aaron smacked dad in the back of the head, knocking him down.

I looked at Jack, waiting for him to start fighting Aaron.

Instead, they both shared a nod.

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