Chapter Sixty-Six

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Glen waited for me, ready to take me back to Silvanto's house. I pushed Jack in the wheelchair out of the automatic doors. I'm sure he definitely doesn't want me to be in control, too bad.

"Are you going home?" I asked Jack, stopping before going into the parking lot.

"I'd love to go home, I just don't think anyone will be there." He spoke in a low voice. Don't tell me he's actually depressed?

"Aaron is smart enough not to ever come out of hiding. You're gonna have to go to him. He won't trust you enough to be lured out." Jack suddenly told me.

"He's offered to pick me up." I watched the cars driving

slowly around the parking lot. It's almost noon now, I can't wait to eat.

"Call him up, be a blubbering mess. Tell him you need him, that he's the only one for you." Jack instructed, digging something out of his pocket. He gave me a phone, is it a burner?

"You're on my side?" I don't know why I'm asking, unlocking the phone.

"I've always been on your side, promise me you'll be safe and I won't tell anyone." Jack still waited in the chair, as I spotted Aaron's number. He labeled his number as 'idiot'.

"I promise." Shoving his phone in my pocket, I pushed him.

Silvanto graciously offered to drive Jack, since his leg is broken. I shouldn't be thinking this, but it made me feel better seeing Jack more injured than me.

But it's not enough

He thinks he did nothing wrong. He ruined me, from the start. I pushed Jack to Silvanto, giving him a nod. He nodded back, helping Jack into his car after folding the wheel chair up.

I got in Glen's car, buckling up with him. He hasn't asked me anything, respecting my privacy. I could have killed someone, and need him to get rid of the body, and he wouldn't question it.

Glen turned the radio on, letting the music play louder. It felt nice to jam out to music, I haven't been able to really listen to music in a while. I missed it.

"Let's get some food, I don't know about you but I'm starving." Glan chuckled. I nodded, reaching up to touch my swollen nose. They said it'll be 6 weeks before it's fully healed, how unfortunate.

Glen talked to himself, thinking of where to go. I pulled the phone out, staring at Aaron's number.

Jack read Aaron so well, like they are the same. I can't figure him out, and Jack spent less time with him and already knows how he thinks.

Fucking sociopaths.

"I have a plan, for Aaron." I spoke up, waiting as Glen turned down the music so he could fully hear me.

"I need someone to tail me, when I go meet him." I told him, afraid he'll say no.

"Done. I'll do it myself." Glen nodded, shifting gears.

"You don't have to, you're busy enough." I looked away, why is he so nice to me? I don't deserve it.

"I insist. Least I can do to make up for what happened." Glen told me, as if it's anywhere near his fault.

It was all my fault.

I still had the tape, Silvanto made sure to leave it in my room. I have no clue what to do with it, but I won't let Jack keep it as a trophy.


Me and Glen arrived back at the bar, holding bags of food. Lauren beamed at me, leaning her elbows on the counter right in front of me.

"Oh sweetie, let me get you some strong painkillers." Lauren hurried off. I could use a few of those actually. I fell into my favorite booth spot, setting my food up.

I keep finagling my sleeve around my brace. So I pulled it off, shivering immediately despite having a long sleeve on. A thick coat draped around my shoulders.

"Here," Hugo came from behind me, adjusting his coat on me. He even pulled my hair back, out of my face.

"Eat." He nodded to the food in front of me, his long bangs covering most of his face. He always has to look down at me, I feel like a child.

I pulled the phone out, reading the other contacts. Mom and dad. He has both their numbers.

I dialed mom, desperate to hear her voice.

"Hello?" She answered, a tad annoyed. Tears burned my eyes already, making me sniffle. It hurt and inconvenienced me trying to wipe my eyes with my broken nose.

"Hi mom." I spoke, hearing her breakdown in a sob. I cried more, pushing my food away.

"You're ok? You're both ok? Where's Jack?" Mom tried taking deep breaths, I miss her so much.

"Yeah, we're ok. I'm sorry about the lake house, I didn't do anything, Jack said it was an accident." I explained quickly, more willing to throw Jack under the bus.

"I don't care about that place! Were you two actually there?! Oh my god, are you guys injured?" Mom rambled, clearly panicking.

"I know everything, mom. About Aunt Sherry, what me and Jack did. What Sherry did. All of it." I told her, hearing silence. I can't imagine what she's thinking, they've kept this hidden for years.

"Macy, we should have protected you," Mom talked quietly. Maybe, but she didn't know. The second they knew, they were ready to kill her.

"What were you gonna do to her? If me and Jack stayed out of it?" I asked, curiously getting to me. Mom chuckled, what an odd question I know.

"I don't know what I would have done. I'm sure your dad, would have been the one to do the deed." She told me. I could see Rio and dad teaming to kill her.

"Wait, your dad. Please talk to him, he's right here!" Mom didn't give me room for arguing, but I do wanna talk to him too.

"Mace?" Dad cried now. Man, I'm gonna be a mess for a bit.

"Hi dad, I'm sorry." I used napkins, tapping under my eyes.

"Please don't ever scare us like that again, what's the matter with you guys? Blowing up a house?! That couldn't have grabbed more attention." He lectured me, and I could hear mom pleading with him not to be angry with me.

She's probably terrified he'll scare me off.

"Jack did it. We're ok, he'll be home soon." I stated, not bothering to argue. I hung up, hearing dad try to negotiate. No, I'm done with everyone telling me what to do.

Jack isnt coming home yet, not until I say so.


A hot shower really does help a lot. I felt so much cleaner, despite rebandaging. Lauren had to help me in the bathroom bandaging my nose.

Hopefully the painkillers kick in, my head has been pounding. Lauren helped me tight the brace on my wrist, leaving me to get dressed.

It was only 8PM, I hoped I'd have time before bed. Grabbing my bones jacket, I threw on jeans and a white shirt.

Silvanto nodded at me when I came downstairs, going to the basement. The steps didn't creak as I made my way down, finding Jack tied to a chair.

Perfect, just like I told Silvanto.

Face it, MacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora