Chapter Forty-Five

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"I'm glad you made it safe." Rio quickly showed me around. He told me how he freshly bought this place, making sure it could no way be traced back to him or the family.

    "Don't go in here, it's my hunting stuff. I thought I might do some while I stay here with you. Wanna hunt as well? I'm pretty sure I taught you to shoot." He rambled. I'm used to it with Rio, he doest see us often and he really is a cool uncle.

        "You can pick from these two rooms," Rio stopped me, looking between two guest rooms. I looked at both of them, right next to each other.

    "Uh, this one is closer to the bathroom." I went to the plain room, literally nothing but a bed.

    "Swell, I can ask my buddy to bring some old furniture. Hopefully you don't have to hide here long." Rio watched me look around.

    "Thanks for helping me, but why are you helping me? I'm literally a fugitive." Slamming my bag on the bed, I waited for his answer.

    "We're family. Me and Gio have, and always will have each other's backs. I owe it to you and Jack." Rio smiled at me. It's funny people usually assume Dad and Rio are twins, cause their names are similar and they are roughly the same age.

    Except Rio is much shorter than my dad.

    "Uh, do you know if Choi is also staying?" I asked, walking back out of the room.

    "I'm not sure. I talked to Gio earlier, and he said he has no clue. Choi is your mom's friend." Rio explained to me. I forget he usually tells me and Jack anything.

    But I already know the answer I'm gonna get if I ask about Sherry.


    I stalked out the window. The second I saw Jack's car, I bolted for the door. Rio yelled at me, staying not to go outside. Jack is gonna tell me. I'm not waiting a minute longer.

    "Macy, get inside." Jack annoyingly got out of his car, locking the doors. He looks exhausted, the hell has him bothered?

    "Are you gonna tell me everything? I asked, earning Jack wrapping his arm around me. He picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I laid limp, I've learned not to fight him when he's like this.

    Jack dropped me once we got inside.

    "Oh, there you are." Rio crossed his arms, eyeing Jack. I scowled, laying on the floor for a second before pushing to stand up.

    "Has mom or dad talked to you?" Jack asked me. I noticed he really looks stressed, his hair is slightly messy, bags under his eyes. Even his plaid shirt was unbuttoned. He doesn't like looking unkempt.

    When I shook my head no, he looked at Rio, getting another head shake.

        "I know what their plan is. They are gonna fake your death, then move you to fucking Italy. Apparently there's family friends there!" Jack ranted.

"Damn, Italy." It doesn't sound bad, I don't know why he has a problem with it. Jack walked up closer to me,

"They said I'm never allowed to talk to you. Same goes for

Reid." He lowered his voice.

    "Wait, why?" I looked at Rio, seeing him more confused than us. Jack threw his arms up, turning away,

    "How the fuck should I know. I understand you more than anyone else, hell I've done more than they ever will to protect you!" Jack stopped, pointing at me. I looked at Rio again, he rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed with us.

    "Look, why don't you get washed up. I'm gonna be making some dinner soon." He tried to diffuse, but Jack let out a laugh.

    "No no no no, I'm not letting them separate us." Jack yelled at Rio. I've seen Rio mad, but right now his scowl is terrifying.

    "We'll talk about it! Right now everyone needs to eat and go to bed!" Rio demanded, looking back and forth at us for confirmation. We nodded, and Rio left the room.

    "Upstairs, now." Jack wasted no time, snatching my arm to pull with. I stayed quiet, he's gonna tell me. I'm gonna know everything soon.

    "I want you to sit. Don't get up and don't interrupt me." Jack ordered me. I sat in one of the chairs. It looks like this room is gonna be an office, or a library with a desk.

    How bad is it gonna be? I can handle it, right?

    "I'm going to start from the beginning OK? Before the incident at the lake house." Jack took a deep breath, I haven't thought about it until now, I'm making him relive all this, just so I know. How selfish of me.

    "Remember when we were 4, when we first met Sherry?" He asked me, giving me permission to speak,

        "I can barely remember her right now."

    "Ok, well, that's when she first met us. Our 4th birthday party." Jack took another deep breath, raking his short hair. He's nervous, anyone could tell.

    "Sherry is Daphne's sister."

    "Rio's wife? That's overseas traveling or something?" I asked. Jack nodded. I think we met Daphne once. She's never around.

    "Sherry has quite the history, she's always getting in trouble for things like drug busts and other illegal stuff. Those were her shitty reasons for doing what she did to us." Jack stopped himself, putting his hands together like he was praying for the strength to hold back.

    "Apparently when she met us she saw a perfect opportunity to make back a lot of money. She was also in debt and owed money."

    "Oh no." It's never good when it has to do with children. Especially us.

    Jack took a long breath, I could tell by the way his eyes scanned he was thinking of what to say, not wanting to let something slip maybe.

    "I want you to know, I put up with her shit, cause she fucking promised me she'd leave you be." Jack started to pace, his face getting red. It makes me feel even more uneasy, he's never like this. I've never seen him get this upset, he is always the type to never care.

    "Ever since our 4th birthday," Jack paused, I can't fucking stand the wait!

        "She took photos of us, Mace." Jack looked at me, tears leaking down his cheeks.

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